Royal Enfield has introduced two motorcycles soon to go into production and featuring its new 650cc twin engine. There are three videos below from Royal Enfield that discuss the new bikes and the new engine.
This whole 650cc twin project by RE has flown a bit under the radar here in the United States, but it is a big deal. RE outsells Harley-Davidson worldwide, and its push into Western markets was limited somewhat by the anemic performance of its single-cylinder machines. RE claims the new 650s are capable of 100+ mph, while their air-cooled design maintains the simple aesthetic the company is known for.
Production models should be available in some markets beginning in April of next year, apparently beginning in Europe (and India) followed by other geographic areas. U.S. availability should follow Europe.
The 648cc twin, making a claimed 47 horsepower, is the key to RE’s expansion plans, and was largely developed in England at the RE Technology Center in Leicestershire.
Everything about these motorcycles is new, including the steel-tube cradle frame found on both models. RE claims both bikes handle exceptionally well, being both stable and nimble.
The Interceptor is an upright standard, while the Continental GT has the ergonomics of a Café Racer. The 18″ wheels add to the classic look of both bikes, as do the twin rear shocks. Braking is thoroughly modern with discs and ABS.
RE emphasizes the ground clearance offered by the bikes, which permits significant lean angles in corners (you can see this in one of the videos below).
The engine has four-valve heads and a supplemental oil cooler. It will provide strong, low and mid-range power, emphasizing both performance and ease of use. The engine sounds fabulous in the videos.
A six-speed transmission should provide plenty of flexibility given the broad spread of power expected from the torquey engine. The bikes will even have slipper clutches to prevent wheel hop on deceleration.
Introducing the Interceptor 650, Siddhartha Lal, CEO, Royal Enfield, said: “The Interceptor 650 carries forward the Royal Enfield legacy into the 21st century. While in its essence, it retains the design and old-school character, it has all the underpinnings of a modern machine.”
“It combines agility, usable power, excellent ergonomics and style in an unintimidating manner. However, the Interceptor 650 is more than the sum of its parts; it is great fun to ride and brings a smile on your face every single time you ride it.”
Talking about Continental GT650, Rudratej (Rudy) Singh, President, Royal Enfield, said, “The GT has been an iconic motorcycle in Royal Enfield’s portfolio. Since its launch in 2013, the Continental GT has helped the brand strengthen its position in mature motorcycle markets across the world. In its new avatar, the Continental GT 650 is the absolute definitive café racer that will be loved by discerning riders across the world.”
“Being authentic, accessible and creating motorcycles that are evocative, is at the core of all things we do. As a brand, we encourage our riders in their journey of self-expression and exploration. It is the idea that they relate to, even before they buy our motorcycles. The new 650 twins will help us strengthen this proposition further”, Rudy added.
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Royal Enfield Topics:
“Trying to do fun motorcycles.”
I think that most riders know about the Royal Enfield bullet motorcycle and their long history with less-than-stellar quality control. The fact that Royal Enfield is the oldest continuous motorcycle company could be luck. However, I see it as a sign of good things ahead. It is no coincidence that a young 26-year-old engineering student ended Royal Enfield’s financial difficulties with a background in finance. Siddhartha Lal is the flashy, jet setting CEO with a bombastic style that certainly loves the brand and the trappings of his position.
Is he and Royal Enfield a phony? A charlatan of the motorcycle industry? This motorcycle equivalent of Bollywood magic with lots of show and no go, Hell no! Mr. Lal in 2014 hired storied designer Pierre Terblanche of Ducati fame to design for the company. I think the Himalayan was a stumble on the resume of Pierre’s string of hits for Ducati; he might have felt Royal Enfield’s 113-year-old history was not enough to draw on for inspiration leaving (resigned) after 2 years with a heap of money. Next Royal Enfield purchased frame-building company Harris Performance. Would you hire a great designer with one of the most advanced engineering companies because you want to build shitty bikes? I see no luck here I see providence. Mr. Lal said of Harris performance after Royal Enfield bought them in 2015.
“They’re proven expertise, deep insight and understanding of motorcycling will be invaluable for us in our journey towards achieving leadership in the global mid-sized motorcycling segment,” said Lal.
I think Mr. Lal and the rest of Royal Enfield have a very good role model in John Bloor’s resurrection of Triumph Motorcycles from the dustbin of history to a 1.2 Billon dollar company in 20 years! What Mr. Bloor did is nothing short of astonishing however Triumph has moved up market briskly leaving a mid-sized hole in the line up. In the meantime, Royal Enfield swoops in with a retro classic twin 650cc at 47hp that is A2 license compliant to fill the hole, now that’s timing! Savvy marketing strategy or just lucky?
“Time for motorcycling fun” is the slogan for the new “Twins”. It sounds like a combination of Honda’s “you meet the nicest people” combined with Kawasaki’s slogan “Let the good times roll”! The big question is will this reinvention of Royal Enfield be everything promised. I am willing to take a chance on Royal Enfield as a company that is not relying on luck. It is making it’s own or at lest paying for it. I love the Interceptor in orange and will be picking mine up in Enfield Connecticut. Now that is a good sign.
Thanks for reading
…smart move…looking forward to seeing it in a US debut. has photos of the traditional chrome tank mounted to the 2018 Interceptor for a photo shoot in California. Click on “bikes news.” They can drop it off at my house when they’re done with it.
Look at the tank badge in the close-up shot of the chromed tank, it looks like finish has already gone flaky.
looks like something was taped on the tank and they didn’t clean off the adhesive
That’s how I see it too.
I love the new Interceptor and I’m ready to buy right now. I only hope that by the time it hits the US that the traditional chrome gas tank is offered as an upgrade. Like one comment said on another website: “Don’t bother to wrap it; I’ll eat it right here.”
Three videos and not one word about improved reliability.
There are lengthier videos from EICMA where Siddhartha Lal, CEO of RE, speaks of improved reliability with this new 650cc. I hope it really is. I think it’s a fine looking machine and will probably be a lot of fun to ride.
Nice-looking bikes. Price will be a large factor as well as the exhaust note – sounds like a 180 degrees crankshaft. One thing that plagued the Kawasaki W650/800 is a 1-piece exhaust – aftermarket slip-ons require cutting (many enthusiasts want to hear that vertical twin sound). With a 180 crankshaft, the sound isn’t music to my ears & I’m sure many others feel the same way. Using the name “Interceptor”, already associated w/ a long-running & successful bikes, seems a little foolish too. Lastly, I think they could have put a little more effort into making the engine look more retro – it’s the bike’s centerpiece for cripes sake.
You may want to listen again. It’s a 270 degree crankshaft.
After watching the press presentation video I was left with a feeling that said “this is phony flim-flam”…. again. References to authentic heritage does not mean that this bike is going to be much better than the previous crap the RE handed us. That CEO comes across as a total A-hole that thinks he is smarter than the rest of the world. He keeps boasting about numbers of sales that are mainly in India, due to their high population, rising wealth, and basically a lack of competition in the 500cc class (Bullet). Just read some of the owner forums in India and you will see past this hype from the CEO. RE does not give a flying shite about customers once they have their money, that is absolutely clear.
I suspect this new 650 will be just another tarted up piece of crap like the Bullet. Expensive nostalgia. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I’ll let someone elses’ money prove me wrong.
I’m just going to say the more I look the more I seem to see and the more seam I see. It’s pretty on many levels and air cooled. I hope workmanship in India exceeds that of the crud from China.
Just as an adjunct, if you’ve ever been up close to a Royal Enfield you’ll know there’s been room for improvement. Also, I wouldn’t dismiss the Chinese too much. Yes, they do build some cheap, built to a price, stuff that’s subpar but they can produce some very well built kit.
Just remember how people thought of the Japanese when they were in the same position. Look at them now!
Sure, but the the India RE has been at it since what… 1955? That is 60 plus years of crap. The Chinese have already left them back on the trail somewhere.
Looks great, should appeal to quite a few people, even outside India. Big question areas will be quality/reliability/fit and finish. The old singles sold as novelties pretty much anywhere outside India – basically a newly built 1950s Enfield, with all that implies both good and bad.
Presumably RE would like to go mainstream and get some credibility and sales outside India, and even inside, as a properly modern quality bike equal to any Japanese brand.
Gee – a motorcycle. I thought all motorcycles looked like a dumpster full of scrap metal, with a 1/2 scooped seat for the lads that can’t hold on, and automobile cooling. Thanks for the memories.
Silly me . I forgot to mention wheel fenders that work. Modern technology.
I thought you were being sarcastic till realized you were right on. BTW, it’s dumpster full of plastic scrap.
Every once in awhile my wife brings up her missing the first W650 I owned.(owned 2) It was fun. Only 43 hp at the back wheel! Tank seams!! Drum rear brake!!! Spoked wheels with tubes!!!! What the hell were they thinking? What the hell is she thinking?? What the hell am I thinking??? What the hell is anybody thinking???? WTFT! Anyway, showed her the Interceptor and she liked it right down to the color. By the way, I’m starting a new bitch. I hate round tires! Pass it around.
I had a Royal Enfield 750 Interceptor when I was a kid. The first bike I ever went 100 MPH on. Every time I rode it I had to re-adjust the primary chain as the tensioner would not hold it in adjustment Vibrated less than my Triumphs and faster. Great power, but like all British bikes of that era, always some minor thing to fix. No dealer network to speak of. Still I would buy another (old original Inerceptor.
These are nice looking bikes. I hope they sell well.
dammit, where’s the kickstart? If I’m going retro, I want a kick start, it’s part of the nostalgia. Yes really. Skinny tires, spoked rims, aircooled – battery start? I guess they took their advice from the movie Tropic Thunder – NEVER GO FULL RETRO!
Manufacturers of “classic” retro models found that putting a kickstarter on the bike implied that it had an unreliable electric starter system that needed it as a backup. I think perhaps the only, or at least one of the few, current retro street bikes to still have a kick starter is the Yamaha SR400. No button to push.
…agree overall but the SR400 is not a retro bike. It is a living fossil, with FI. On my short list.
Yup, goes back to the ’78 SR500, only it’s more “retro” looking than the SR500 as they were never offered with wire spoked wheels in the USA. Had those new fangled cast wheels that looked so out of place.
The Interceptor is a nice looking bike. Too bad it’s a Royal Enfield.
Nice bikes to look at but not so nice to own. Perhaps one day that will change. I will let others step up to the plate with their money to help RE develop bikes that rival bikes built in Japan. Until then, my money goes elsewhere.
A single front brake on a 650 qualifies as thoroughly modern? It doesn’t appear oversized. I’m surprised that Honda hadn’t copyrighted the term Interceptor, but perhaps RE has a model predating theirs?
The name “interceptor” applied to a vehicle is much older than Honda’s use of it. See for example the Jensen interceptor.
Royal Enfield sold Interceptors (first as 700’s later as 750’s) from 1960 to 1970. So Honda copied the name, much like they copy many other things!
Our local city parking enforcement people drive (ride?) 3 wheelers called Interceptors. Our city cops also drive Interceptors … Ford Police Interceptors.
…and there was also the car, the Jensen Interceptor.
Hey, pretty good. I hope they’re bringing it up to the standards of their competition because there are a lot of choices nowadays.
I hope it leaks like a sieve and vibrates like crazy like the last RE Interceptor.
Look on the bright side, you never have to change the oil, you just top it off.
Displacement aside, my first thought was of Honda 350/450’s back in the day…replete with tank seams.
Reminded me of the early 70’s Yamaha TX750, right down to the color.
It DOES look like a TX750! Boy those and the TX500’s were bad bikes.
Doesn’t look like any TX750 I ever saw or worked on and the 500s were actually pretty good bikes.
They may want to reconsider and put dual discs on the front to haul down all that power.
These 650s will probably make power comparable to a DRZ400.
Royal Enfield moves into the area vacated by Triumph. Simple, air-cooled, traditionally styled bikes. Nicely played, with impeccable timing.
That is what I was thinking.
The ball is definitely in Triumph’s court now. It will be interesting to see if their partnership with Bajaj will result in a similar bike.
That Continental 650 twin looks like what the current Continental 535 single (which is a very pretty bike in its own right) should have been. Nice one RE. I’ll bet they’ll sell a bunch of these.
It reminds me of the 1970’s BSA concept bikes. BSA never got around to making them but RE have!
They will sell shed loads here in the UK.
Shed loads? Is that a lot?
If you want British bikes you need to learn also English colloquialisms :¬)
BTW – Leicsester is all but an Indian enclave in England kinda like Miami is to Cuba/latin America which explains the location of RE ther. All’s you need to do now is learn how to pronounce Leicseter :¬)
Are you referring to the 350 Twins?
Yes – there were a many renderings and great plans which came to nothing.
The Bandit and the Fury are quite similar to this RE but there were others.
I had a CB350 at the time and was anxiously awaiting their production. I’ve always welcomed competition and another modern 4-stroke 350 would have been great.
Both bikes look sweet, but I’m more inclined towards The Interceptor.
Considering the fact that single cylinder Continental GT sells for about $6,000, how much these new bikes cost?
$8,000 for the Interceptor and $9,000+ for the Continental GT?
In that case, why not get the excellent Triumph Speed Twin or perhaps the all Italian Moto Guzzi V7? Not only these bikes have larger displacement, but they also possess “REMARKABLE” build quality, fit and finish, excellent resale value and a better badge on the tank too.
Indian made Royal Enfields aren’t exactly known for their build quality, reliability and attention to detail, ya know?
Oh well,
As Dirck said, some people will be surprised at just how well this bike will sell. Of the two I favor the Interceptor for it’s classic good looks. This is why the term “standard” is used to describe such a bike and not that priapic term, “naked”. It is the STANDARD for others to follow and admire. Style, plenty of usable power and comfortable ergonomics.
Dirck, would you happen to know if the engine uses the hydraulic lifters as do the RE 500cc thumpers? I recall reading the 500s used a method licensed from Harley. This would go a long way toward enhancing desirability as would (one can dream) tubeless rims.
Regardless its good to see a bike that isn’t a ripoff of Harley style. One that pays homage to its own roots, rather that rutting through another’s garden, if you will.
I’m fortunate to have local dealers for both Royal Enfield and Moto Guzzi so I will get a look at both the Interceptor and the V85 Goose (should the latter reach production this model year) as soon as possible.
I doubt RE needs to license anything from H-D. No one has a patent on hydraulic lifters as they’ve been around for more than half a century.
Being a single overhead cam engine, this new 650 does not employ lifters as would a pushrod actuated valve train. As best as I can tell from the exploded view of the engine (in the initial press release) they appear to be conventional rocker arms, perhaps with roller bearings on the cam ends.
It has valve lash adjusting screws on the rocker arms, so I wouldn’t think it employees hydraulic lifters.
Hydraulic valve lash adjustment featured in the 1990s CB750F2N, so it can be done – but I suspect this RE will have screw-and-locknut or shims.
“would you happen to know if the engine uses the hydraulic lifters as do the RE 500cc thumpers?”
Based on photos of a disassembled engine, I’d say no. It’s a single OHC, forked rocker arms with valve lash adjusting screws on the valve end of the rocker.
I’d like to find the guy that got this tank seam thing going and give him a swift kick in his seam! I’ve never seen so much whining over something so insignificant since the last episode of the Kardashians my wife watched. Geez! By the way, I like the bike. As a previous owner of a W650, I think they nailed it. Maybe a chrome tank will be an option.
I’m with you on all points.
The feeling is somewhat mutual.
But I too am a ‘tad’ concerned about the tank seam because I’m a tall lad @ 6’2″ with a 33″ inseam and I, quite frankly, absolutely HATE it when my legs stick out in the air like a sore thumb.
It’s not a deal breaker for me, like it is for some individuals here but… It’s an annoyance, nonetheless!
I prefer ‘peanut’ tanks more!
Oh well,
I see no mention of counterbalancers in the description. Does anyone know if that’s true. If it has the traditional 360° firing, it will shake your fillings out.
It has a 270 degree crank and is counterbalanced.
Good to know. Thanks.
The tank seam does not bother me. I think both bikes look great, even with the seam. I only wish it had a kick start included. I am pleased to see it has a centre-stand!
You need a kick start like a cage needs a crank start.
If you are unable to ride for a while due to health issues, and you fail to start the bike sufficiently often to keep the battery charged, at least with a kick start you can turn the pistons over and prevent them from sticking in the bore. Then after a battery charge, the bike will get going again. Bikes need kick starts, at the very least so you can look cool in front of someone attractive.
A $20 battery maintenance charger (ie. battery tender) solves those problems.
In colder weather, sometimes the battery doesn’t have enough cranking power to do the job. A kick start solves that problem.
I can’t help but notice the difference between this beautiful little Royal Enfield and that insect looking Husqvarna in the article right below. What has happened to modern styling?
I think the Huskies and these Royal Enfields are great.
That Intercepter pushes a lot of my buttons. I love that tank shape and those upswept mufflers, the front fender, the polished cases, and that handsome emblem right where it belongs on the gas tank. If RE can convince me that they make a reliable bike, and if the price is right, I may be convinced to exchange my Guzzi dreams for an Enfield. I think that the future sales numbers might be quite surprising. What’s old is now new—and I love it.
Just noticed that the foot controls look like nothing more than flat metal stampings. I can get around tank seams, but those look pretty cheesy. I hate to be nit picky, but they are functioning items that catch the eye. They don’t have to be machined, sculpted beauties, but they don’t have to look like wrenches from a cheap tool set either.
I sincerely wish RE the best with this new model. Looks like it picks up the flag that was dropped by the W650/800 and aircooled Bonnevilles. 50hp is plenty for a bike in this style. Let’s hope they nail it with build quality and reliability.
Shades of W650.
Only thing missing is a kick start lever and and about 3hp, which shouldn’t be hard to find on this under stressed mill.
That extra gear is a plus.
If they can keep the price south of 7 grand, I predict big sales.
Nicely done
2018 looks like the beginning of the professionally engineered BIKE EXIF trend. the morini, the husky and the RE GT look like every sporty-minded hipsters dream. the colors on gutsy and the shapes on the cb-r look like classic BIKE EXIF one-man engineering/market research/I-don’t-care-what-you-like-this-bike-is-for-me mindset. and after the orange county chopper/fat-tail craze of a decade or so ago, and the more recent insectavorus-look, i’m not complaining…
Tank seams forever!
Ask not…what tank seams can do for you…
Give me tank seams, or give me death.
OK I’m done.
We have some of the biggest tank seams ever in fact our tank seams are the best the world has ever seen. Not that tank seams are all that important, but ours are the best and you wouldn’t want a bike without them. Ours are the best.
The Continental doesn’t even have a pillion seat, so why does it have passenger pegs?
Accessory 2 up seat presumably will be available as an accessory option according to the more comprehensive website videos I saw online
It’s so that if you wish to look like a squid you can hang your feet on the back pegs during straight line highway cruising.
They’re bungee cord hooks.
Pretty bikes. Moto Guzzi might be getting a little nervous. They currently own the market when it comes to pretty bikes with barely adequate performance. Royal Enfield is making a move!
And Ural might sit up and take notice.
The future of yesterday’s obsolete technology is tomorrow, and RE leads the way.
Seriously though if I get to keep my license after some regrettable events last month (who doesn’t regret finally getting caught?), I might consider trading in the 636 for something a little more like these things.
If something still works, how is it obsolete? This isn’t an iPhone. Are blue jeans obsolete? They’ve been making those for 150 years.
(Ural) Your All crazy~!
Ural crazy!
The “moderation” is over the top. Either someone is getting paid off or there is no sense of humor anymore at MD. I’ve been here for years. Too bad.
Conspiracy theory.
Is anyone now really going to accept a new version of a `70’s 650 Yamaha twin that had 53hp then for a 2018 47hp 650 4 valve twin now? Good Luck Royal Enfield
You will be surprised how well this bike sells, IMHO.
My remarks were only in reference of how this new bike will sell in the USA. I own an `04 Moto Guzzi 750 Breva that has 48hp and I’m happy with it at 74yo. Like others have pointed out, in India this bike may sell just fine.
I’m guessing most sales will be within India and in those other still developing regions where less than a 1st world reality exists. In other words 47 hp retro styled bike will be a real hot rod, full of fun & excitement when matched against the typical traffic & road conditions to be found in such places. My old 1967 Triumph TR6 probably even had less than 47 hp and I was quite content with that although my next 1971 750cc Norton Commando was certainly a leap forward from that Triumph. I (an older fuddy dud) do like the looks of these new Royal Enfields. Lots of neat videos are now online describing the engineering, design & marketing hype (hopes). Those looking for a high HP modern looking high tech crotch rocket will look elsewhere.
I’m pretty sure that RE has its eye on more than just a European or American market. These bikes are gonna sell just fine.
They’re being held to 47 hp by design to make them compliant with A2 licensing requirements. As an oversquare, ohc, 8 valve twin tuned for low end and mid range torque, this engine is capable of a lot more power than it’s producing. I think you’ll eventually see a 750 version. The bore is 78mm. Make it square with a 78mm stroke and it yields 745cc.
There are many bikes in this category that sell very well. Honda Shadow, Triumph Street Twin, HAD Sportster 883 & Street, Guzzi V7. They’re all slow and nobody cares at all. Speed is not what they’re in it for. If this comes in appropriately priced (less than the others because, India) it will sell very well.
I have a question, where does slow end and fast begin? I mean, I never did get the “that bike’s slow or that bike’s fast. Is it measured by how many years it takes off your life from scaring oneself to death?
“I have a question, where does slow end and fast begin?”
For me, fast has usually meant a change of underwear. Slow, not so much.
Anything with four cylinders and above 750cc. Anything under that is perfectly manageable no matter the conditions.
Slow = not fast enough that the target rider is looking through the specs for the 1/4 mile times, and the performance oriented customer feels the need to point it out, anyway.
They did say the emphasis is on torque. Hp is not a concern as the bike was not intended to ridden very fast.
My Triumph Street Twin 900HT, produces 55hp, which is about 10hp less than my Versys 650. But it produces 80NM of torque, coming in at ~3250 rpm. It pulls hard right above idle.
The 10hp was not missed, and the versys was sold.
Great perspective. Short shifting yields a certain joy and relaxation lacking compared to constantly running @ higher RPM.
I had two Suzuki TU250s and all I wanted was more wheelbase at 5’10. On a ride more than 50 miles I started feeling cramped. Low tech bikes feel fun at lower speeds. My FZ1 felt like I was holding it back all the time. “Open the throttle”, it always said. I opened it up in 3rd getting on the highway and left my wife in the dust behind me in her car. On a low tech ride there is no need to do that.
it’s a machine and doesn’t care how it’s ridden as long as it isn’t lugged or over revved. I never took my FZ-1 over 6,000 rpms and it was fine for the 40,000 miles I owned it and the 10,000 miles my younger brother owned it
I’ve put over 100,000 thou on my ST 1300 and have never been over 5K and 36K on my CB 1100 also never over 5K.
The thrill of acceleration is an endorphine in our brains, but the motorcycle doesn’t care one way or the other how it’s ridden be it a TU250 or a liter FZ-1
These REs look great.
Hope they bring out a 1000cc version as 650cc is a bit “gutless”.
I always thought the original Interceptors were beautiful and hope they bring out a model with the chromed tank.
I hope it sells well as they look fabulous.
Some MINOR criticisms:
1. there is a flange on the petrol tank;
2. am presuming the tyres are tubed which is a deal breaker for me.
Maybe they might even do what Triumph & BSA did in the 60s and produce a triple (as per the Trident & Rocket 3) or a four cylinder (as per the Quadrant which Triumph developed in the mid 60s but management in their incompetence never put into production) air cooled motor. The basis for the Trident & Quadrant was the Triumph Daytona 500cc engine. They simply added one & two cylinders respectively.
Old dudes like me can’t help but love this bike. My 2000 Bullet was very poorly built and had dangerous brakes, but his looks really good.
Very cool indeed. I wish they included a kick starter for days you just want to give it a jab.
Beautiful bikes! I love the Interceptor and hope it shows up soon in the USA.
daddy likes
If you dont want a tank seam why are you into retro. Tank seam is beautiful. That is fact.
the original did not have a seam.
that is a beautiful tank.
I think I see seamness…
Seams so
Wow! Inclined heads like a Norton (also an Interceptor) but reminds me of my old BSA. And reminds me of how old I must be. Still; a beautiful bike-hope it sells well.
Goood news. It will save us form insectoids!
Good God, I hope you’re right!
good lookin bike…….except for the tank seam.
If you dont want a tank seam why are you into retro. Tank seam is beautiful. That is fact.
I looked at the bikes, read the comments, and then had to go back and look at the bikes again to see the tank seam. No biggie to me. The bikes look pretty good to me. Not of a fan of the quilted seat on the interceptor and I think the tail on the bum stop on the GT is too short.Love the pipes though. Very Dunstall Nortonish
I read some stuff about them yesterday though, that they are only for India for now, and are really low on HP.
My 1971 Norton Commando 750 stock fuel tank had no seams whatsoever but it was made of fiberglass. Seamless tanks just look a bit better for some folks (smoother? sleeker?), as if the manufacturer cared a bit more or cost was not an issue. Should not be a deal breaker if the overall bike is appealing.
Think of tank seams as the lamb chop side burns of the 60’s and 70’s rather than the high and tight of the 80’s.
Very Triumph Bonneville and Kawasaki W650 looking, but good luck to them. Lets hope build quality is better than in the past! It will be interesting to see if it sells well in North America and what the price will be when it gets here. As a senior ex-pat Brit the name itself conjures up great memories of my biking in the late sixties. You never know, the Interceptor could replace my 04 Bonneville!!
It’s not unlike it’s ancestor, the original RE Interceptor from 1962-1968. Enfield copying Triumph copying Enfield giving us that classic bike look. But definately copied by the Japanese.