– Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews

Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews

Ben Bostrom: Pretty Boy Makes Good

Last year, European fans and journalists couldn’t get enough of Ben Bostrom’s failures. Riding a factory Ducati with Michelin tires, Bostrom was too shy to ask the technicians to change the settings from Troy Corser’s to his own. On unfamiliar tracks, Bostrom floundered, crashed, and basically embarassed himself.

Demoted to a privateer team, Bostrom found the courage to demand his own settings (the settings he used to win the AMA Superbike championship). His performance improved, even on Michelin tires. This year, with his own settings and Dunlop tires, Bostrom has been quick and has won at the WSB level (again). His European critics can no longer call him the “pretty boy from America”. The guy is fast.

Bostrom may be too far out of the points lead to win this year’s championship, but he is capable of winning a WSB championship. He will also win more races this year, and will take a pole position or two. Just watch.

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