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Mike Schultz Loses His Leg, But Not His Heart


We received a link to this video from the people at Royal Purple, and thought it would be worth our readers’ attention. Mike Schultz is not only a talented motocross racer (you can tell that by watching the video), he is one of those rare individuals who bounces back from adversity with strength, determination and inventiveness. The synthetic lubricant manufacturer Royal Purple created the “Outperformer” mini-documentary about Schultz embedded below, and provided the following press release describing Schultz and their efforts.


 Racer, Inventor and Amputee shares story in latest series mini documentary

Porter, TX. (July 16, 2013) – Premium synthetic lubricant manufacturer, Royal Purple, today announced “Monster” Mike Schultz as the subject of its second Outperformer mini-documentary series for the 2013 season. Schultz, a championship racer with an impressive list of wins under his belt, is a pioneer in the field of adaptive action sports.

The five minute documentary tells Schultz’ story of Outperformance, including the motivations that drove him to triumph following a devastating accident; inspiring others to return to extreme sports following potentially career ending injuries; and how he became one of the best in his field both as a racer and inventor.


Following a lengthy recovery from a racing accident in 2008 resulting in an above-the-knee amputation, Schultz maintained a steadfast determination to be the best, vowing a return to his career of snowmobile and motorcycle racing. Unfortunately, existing prosthetic limbs couldn’t cope with the extreme forces, or offer the control needed to compete in sports like Motocross and snocross to the level he needed.

Within months of his accident, Schultz  started work to develop a revolutionary model for an artificial limb that relied on finely machined parts ordinarily used on downhill mountain bikes. He created a prosthesis that more accurately replicates the user’s missing limb and offers unparalleled control during even the most extreme of sports activities.


The Moto Knee resulted from this early work, and as chief tester, Schultz would refine the design as he recovered and prepared to return to racing. Based on the success of the Moto Knee, Shultz founded Biodapt Inc. specializing in performance prosthetics and adaptive equipment. His return to racing yielded five podium finishes and four wins at ESPN’s winter and summer X Games for adaptive Snocross and Supercross.

“Mike Schultz is an incredible inspiration both on and off-track,” said Royal Purple Marketing Director, Randy Fisher. “His determination and ability to succeed in spite of what most would have deemed a career ending injury is why we feel Mike embodies what it means to Outperform.”

In addition to Schultz, Royal Purple profiled female drag and pro stock driver Nicole Lyons earlier this year as part of its Outperformer series. A third and final Outperformer will be announced later this year to conclude the 2013 series season. Other videos from the first season can be viewed by visiting the Royal Purple website,


  1. ABQ says:

    I had a below the knee amputation Sunday. It was caused by an infection that took my foot after I got cut on some rocks while walking barefoot in a creek. By the time I went into urgent care I could have lost my life. My mistake was being a tough guy. Don’t make that mistake with little cuts. The little virus’ that can get in there are tougher than you.

    • bikerrandy says:

      Glad you survived your unexpected almost death episode.

    • dino says:

      hang in there, I hope you have a speedy recovery!

      Stories like this are a great reminder that you can do anything you put your mind to!!

    • JMess says:

      ABQ, that’s good advice; very sorry to hear of your hardship…stay strong, there’s good in life regardless of your situation. I almost had the same thing happen; walking barefoot with an innocent little cut in a house that had cats. Within a couple of hours I painfully was walking to the hospital (no car/mcycle at the time) with a red line going up my leg. Luckily for me I questioned the first TWO doctors decision to give me oral antibiotics that take time to take effect. I went back (barely) with the line 2 feet higher up my leg 20 minutes later and the third doctor was like “uh, no, you should be given IV antibiotics. Spent 5 days in the hospital…little pathogen was WAY tougher than me, lucky to be alive!

    • ABQ says:

      Goal number one is to get mobile again.
      Goal number to is to get back on that motorcycle!

  2. Norm G. says:

    adapt and overcome. kinda like the south african “bladerunner” story, ‘cept with a better ending.

  3. YellowDuck says:

    That prosthetic is so cool! Not quite enough to make me hope for an amputation someday, but enough that I would be significantly less depressed about it if it happened. Seriously.

  4. Ryan M says:

    How trick is that foot?! that he made in a week? LOL amazing

  5. DaytonaJames says:

    “Race snowmobiles, bikes… and build legs for a living”.
    There should be a better word than ‘inspiration’. I’ll think of Mike’s story the next time I think I’m having a rough day or when the odds seemed stacked against me.
    Kudos Mike for keeping it all together with such poise and grace.

  6. Ryan M says:

    What an awesome story!

  7. John says:

    Great story!

  8. MGNorge says:

    Quite the inspiration. Thanks for introducing Mike to us!

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