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Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews

New Scrambler Fuels Big Sales Increase for Ducati


A few days ago, one of our readers questioned whether Ducati’s new Scrambler was a sales hit. Ducati has just released sales figures for the first half of 2015, and guess what? The brand new Scrambler is not only the top selling model in the entire lineup, with worldwide sales of 9,000 units through June 30, it outsold the second most popular model (the Multistrada 1200) roughly two-to-one.

Good enough reason for competitors like BMW to be scrambling (pun intended) to bring similar models to market, as we reported a couple of weeks ago.

Overall, Ducati sales increased 22% over the similar time frame in 2014. When an entirely new model concept, such as the Scrambler, jumps to the top (in terms of sales volume) that quickly (the Scrambler has barely been in dealers 6 months), it confirms a significant shift in market demand.  We chuckled a bit about BMW’s decision to offer the R nineT with a visible weld seam, but no one can deny that the hipster ethos (authenticity) is driving an important part of the market for motorcycles. Yamaha has its “garage built” program, and a big sales success with its Star Bolt line, further evidence that this is no longer just a trend.


  1. cyclemotorist says:

    I love the look of this thing. Unfortunately my old body would only go about five miles.

  2. Grover says:

    Who’s gonna be the first one to ride this bike in the annual LA-Barstow-Vegas run? Smaller than the big BMW GS’s that do the ride every year, seems like a natural choice if you want to be different.

  3. TEAM 250 + says:

    Actually this isn’t a lot of bike for the money..CF MOTO makes a 650 NK makes 60hp and will stop and turn just as well as this Duc..4999.00 2 yr warranty..Just like Harley a lot of money but you don’t get your moneys worth..A side note on a Hyosung not a bad lil bike nowadays..5 yrs back it was a bucket..

    • Jeremy in TX says:

      Team 250 +.. aka King Kenny.. aka Turboman.

      We get it. You like Hyosungs… and CF Motos apparently. That is cool, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, you don’t need to create 50 user profiles to get that point across – you are just going to end up having a conversation with your various alter-egos and no one else eventually. If Hyosung comes out with a “scrambler-esque” bike, then that Hyosung would be a good talking point for this article. But they don’t so I so I do not really get the insistent plugging for the brand.

      I don’t know if it is your job to get on various forums and push Hyosungs or if you are just really enthusiastic about the brand. Whatever the reason, choose a single profile and have a some respect for the context of the conversation. We are talking motorcycles here. This is important stuff.

  4. Motorhead says:

    The 70’s Yamaha Enduro designer team called and said they want their look back. Love it.

  5. SausageCreature says:

    One of the ‘factory customization’ options I’d like to see is a longer/stronger rear subframe and seat. Or maybe just a longer seat and rear fender, if the standard subframe is sufficient. Some of us ‘hipsters’ have wives and girlfriends who would like to come along for a ride every now and then, too.

    Sure that might spoil the bike’s scrambler/street tracker vibe a bit, but I’d be okay with that.

    • Cody says:

      I agree, an attractive bike for a solo rider, but a no go if you need to carry a passenger. I like the simple styling, good size engine, and reasonable price.

    • 888Rider says:

      You just gotta get a passenger that doesn’t have a big a$$ 😉

  6. RD350 says:

    I am glad this bike is selling well. I hope these sales encourage Ducati to expand the range in ways that might attract even more buyers. I’m talking about enthusiasts, experienced, faster riders and perhaps older riders who would also appreciate this type of bike. An “S” version with better suspension, brakes and some lighter weight parts would be a step in the right direction. A re-style would also help and that could easily be accomplished with higher levels of finish and perhaps some more appealing paint.
    I like the idea of a modern scrambler, but I dont want an entry level bike that doesn’t perform when really pushed or one that looks kinda cheap. Make a premium version and I’m at least way more interested.

    • Jeremy in TX says:

      “An “S” version with better suspension, brakes and some lighter weight parts would be a step in the right direction.”

      Just squeeze the 1100 in it, Ducati. I’ll take care of the rest.

      • RD350 says:

        Yes the 1100 air-cooled Ducati twin is a sweet motor. I rode many track-days with an air-cooled 1100 HyperMotard S. That bike really ripped on a short track! And it was great on poorly paved back roads too. While the motor was great, the best part of the package was the Ohlins suspension and top line Brembos. A Scrambler S equipped with this package would be super cool and would deliver a much higher level of “scrambler” fun imho. And I’ll take the 1100 motor too while I’m fantasizing.

        • TF says:

          I own an 1100 HM as well. That Scrambler would be a wild ride with an 1100 evo motor……maybe too wild. Imagine that combo on a dirt road!

  7. duclvr says:

    I think a lot of the appeal is that it looks like it was designed by a human being, not an alien from the future like most other modern bikes.

  8. csl says:

    The original Ducati scramblers were small displacement single cylinder bikes – and they were fun! I rode them, in the dirt. This is a scrambler in name and style only – high pipes, short flat seat, handlebars, short small tank etc. It’s a nice change for the market, but comparing sales of a $9000. bike to a $16000+ bike is ridiculous.

  9. John A. Kuzmenko says:

    I would like to see a comparison test between the Ducati Scrambler and the Yamaha FZ-07.

  10. Gary says:

    I normally like retro … love the Bonneville remake, the R9T, etc … but this Ducati does nothing for me at all. I’m sure it is well built and fun to ride, but to my eyes it looks like tacky crap.

  11. ABQ says:

    I had to look up the definition of hipster to try and fiqure out how or why there would be a reference to them in relation to the Ducati Scrambler. They are described as young men with beards that wear secondhand clothes and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. In otherwords the are just like everybody I ever met living between New York and LA. Except when hipsters do all that they try and act ironic and snotty.
    So there is absolutely no relationship between hipsters and the Ducati Scrambler. The scrambler is not ironic, not sarcastic, not a poseur, and it will knock the snot out of them. those bearded beer swilling young men you saw hanging around the Scrambler were just regular guys.

    • TF says:

      Very true. Hipsters go for the twelve horsepower Hondas with clip-ons. An 80 HP V-twin would knock the snot out of them! LMAO!

    • Butch says:

      I sell every CB100 and 125 I can get my hands on.
      I refer to them as “the skinny jeans crowd”
      All the ones I’ve met seem to have a passion for old bikes.

      set the way back machine . . . . . . . .

    • Daven says:

      I can’t explain why, but from the moment I saw the Ducati Scrambler for the very firs time, I heard these words in my head: “Hipster Bike”. It just looks to me like a bike for a dude in skinny jeans, beard, open face helmet/goggles, etc.

    • Jeremy in TX says:

      The term “Hipster” is way overused in my opinion, like “poseur”. Most people using it don’t really know what it means either. People I’ve met that would get labeled “hipster” by most certainly don’t refer to themselves as such. I find that particular crowd just has a genuine appreciation for bygone industrial design, be it motorcycles, toasters, eye glasses, door knobs etc. Most of them are pretty young, and some are established or aspiring motorcyclist. I see nothing wrong with the fact that they would be more drawn to a Ducati Scrambler or old CB350 than a Ninja 650 or FZ-07. I say welcome them to the fold.

      • Dirck Edge says:


      • TF says:

        I don’t think you will find a Hipster who proudly wears the label as I think the term is somewhat derogatory. My only frustration with them and their motorcycle fetish is that I would prefer to see those great vintage bikes restored instead of hacked into ratty old café racers, but that’s just me.

      • Mr.Mike says:

        Whatever you call them there is a real trend within the younger crowd toward having “real” experiences and a new-found respect for old-world craftsmanship. I suspect it is because they spent their formative years interacting with the world through computer and phone screens. I refer to exhibit “A”: An Apple ad in which a child “colors” with virtual crayons leaving familiar waxy streaks on an iPad screen instead of just putting a real crayon to paper and experiencing the feel and smell of dragging the crayon across a page within the physical world. I contend that new-found appreciation for older styles of motorcycles within younger folks is a reaction to this.

  12. Butch says:

    Two words :
    Spoked wheels.

    • Dave says:

      It is available in a trim that includes spoked wheels. There’s another that’s a little more racy, with lower bars too.

  13. Donethat says:

    1500 miles on mine. Combines the best attributes of the three favorite bikes I’ve owned. 73 RD350 Yamaha, 84 Honda Hawk, 92 900SS Ducati.

  14. KING KENNY says:

    Handle bars are way to high so needs to be changed..Only a single disc..Air cooled engine is dated at 805 cc with only 75 hp this isn’t 1985..The rims look like something SSR Motorsports made out of China..That has to be one of the ugliest seats on the planet..Triple tree should be thicker similar to Triumph but they chose to cut corners..Those mirrors are goin to vibrate @ 75 mph..Coping Yamaha with the exhaust looks like a R6..Where are the steel braided lines?

    • Dave says:

      They’re selling them as fast as they can make them because they changed the one key element: The customer.

      • KING KENNY says:

        There are Dealers in the Southwest in West Texas and in New Mexico that have them..Just like the Multistrada give it less than a year and dealers will be discounting them..Ive seen 4000.00 discounts on Multistradas just to get rid of them..

        • Randy in Atlanta says:

          Kenny, you are trying so hard to dis the bike, it’s not objective or credible. In case you need it;

          1. objective (noun)

          something that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target

          • KING KENNY says:

            Dave said they selling so fast dealers cant keep them in stock..False statement..

          • Dave says:

            Re: “Dave said they selling so fast dealers cant keep them in stock..”

            No, I didn’t say that, I said Ducati is selling them as fast as they can make them, a very different statement.

            Newsflash: West Texas is not the or a commerce capital in America. If Hyosung sells there and Ducati doesn’t, then that’s telling of the demographic in the region, not the worth of the product across the country (which is even bigger than Texas).

    • MGNorge says:

      That’s better, throw the whole thing out because there’s nothing good about it! The high bar is to aid in steering control, mostly in the loose stuff, For its intended usage 805cc and 75 hp may well be more than enough and the rest is debatable. Selling like hotcakes doesn`t mean it’s the best of everything for everyone but it must have hit a responsive chord. Can’t blame it for that! Oh, adding a second disc on the front may be unnecessary to its mission. A second disc would add weight and cost, not to mention a brake that could be too powerful for off-road work? I’d say go get yourself a test ride and report back. Looks the blast to me.

  15. bkowal says:

    Test rode a 2015 Mutlistrada, which I dare say is a revolutionary bike and quite exceptional . Next on the list was the Scrambler. I was prepared to be disappointed after getting off the might MS, but it took all of 60 seconds on the Scrambler to have a big grin on my face. The thing is a blast to ride. Lightweight, great handling and brakes with enough power to keep it fun. I was pleasantly surprised what a great bike it is.

  16. Skybullet says:

    Essential ingredients: Price (affordable compared to $10K+ bikes), Appearance (looks like a motorcycle and not a stylists weird dream), Cachet (Ducati prestige brand), Smart Marketing (lots of promo), Adequate performance (could use smoother power, rideability and handling improvements).
    Whats in it for Ducati? Not just the sale of one bike. Aftermarket accessories, service and parts for the dealer and most important… The brand loyalty hook. The next bike is much more likely to be another Ducati.

  17. mechanicuss says:

    Nice ergos, utilitarian functionality, combined with pleasing aesthetics. Cost is always an issue with a Ducati, but this bike is proof their R&D and marketing people are rocking and rolling…

  18. Michael Maddox says:

    I recently demoed a Scrambler. I was appalled by how snatchy throttle response was at around town speeds. I was shocked that in 2015 a company would market a product with such incompletely developed fuel mapping.

    • azi says:

      I haven’t ridden the Scrambler, but perhaps this snatchiness is inherent in the engine design? I experienced the same in the 2V Monster and Supersports I’ve ridden in the past – it feels like there’s hardly flywheel.

    • BJC says:

      Put an exhaust on it, like i am sure everyone will, update the mapping and bam. Problem solved.

      • MGNorge says:

        Perhaps but putting an “exhaust” on anything tends to aggravate the lean condition on many bikes. Fuel mapping updates may not be easy to come by too. Other than wanting more sound, today’s OE exhausts are very efficient. As with any bike it pays to do your homework first and if low speed fueling is an issue to then check for solutions that may be available.

    • Norm G. says:

      re: “I was shocked that in 2015 a company would market a product with such incompletely developed fuel mapping.”

      wait, Norm G is having “flashbacks to ‘Nam”. thought I was in an FZ9 thread for a minute.

  19. TURBOMAN says:

    The Hyosung GT 650 will do everything this DUCATI will do and at a price that’s affordable.. 5699.00 2 YR Warranty..72 hp..Shorter wheelbase..less insurance cost..Lower operating cost..Parts are less expensive..Some will be just fooled by the name..

    • Seth says:

      Apples and Oranges.

    • mechanicuss says:

      Hyosung? Yuck.

      • KING KENNY says:

        That Gt 650 Hyosung is no joke..It has plenty of power add a slip on with Ohlins shock,steel braided lines and that Ducati will get spanked and you will have money left over ..No recalls also..Ducatis always have so many..

        • Norm G. says:

          re: “It has plenty of power…”

          …but no MotoGP team to root for.

          when I arrive in Indianapolis in 30 days, then what do I do…?

          • KING KENNY says:

            You could cheer for Kawasaki..Aprilia..Ktm..Or Hyosung..Oh none of them will be there..So Hyosung has won as many GP races as Ducati..

          • Redtailrav says:

            re: “Hyosung has won as many GP races as Ducati.”

            Serioulsy, WTF are you talking about? And Aprilia will be there.

        • Jeremy in TX says:

          King Kenny… Give it up. We know that you and Turboman are the same person.

          • TF says:

            Which one is the El Paso dealer who “owns” the local drag strip’s cruiser class?

          • KING KENNY says:

            The dealership is called Freeway Powersports..They will challenge any 1100cc V-twin or below stock cruiser..I have no idea who Turboman is ..

          • todd says:

            You nailed it. Totally the same person, same style of writing..

        • mickey says:

          King..obviously you don’t follow MotoGP.. Ducati won races in 2003, 2005, 2006 and the Championship in 2007. I don’t recall Hyosung even racing. Care to site references?

    • Dave says:

      Re: “The Hyosung GT 650 will do everything this DUCATI will do”

      Except attract the customers that are buying this…

      • KING KENNY says:

        That’s not true there is a dealer in El Paso winning drag races with the GV 650 Pro blowing the Honda,Yamaha,Suzuki and Kawasaki 1100cc and below cruisers away on a 650..He is out selling Ducati in that area with Hyosungs..They are coming !!

        • Dave says:

          Nobody buying this bike cares who’s drag racing. They don’t read spec sheets, they just want to ride something like this. There’s many cars that outperform the Mazda Miata, yet it continues to be a sales success (not to mention, it’s widely raced) because it’s a formula that appeals to a lot of people.

          Hyosungs sell in West TX., we get it, but that doesn’t diminish this bike’s value whatsoever.

          • KING KENNY says:

            They are selling!!Kickin Ducatis azz with a Korean bike in sales..A Ducati 805 cc with 75 hp lol..People like the naked bikes and not everyone can afford a Duc..So like I said its selling..PLus it will do everything that over priced Ducati will do for less..

          • Dave says:

            Re: “PLus it will do everything that over priced Ducati will do for less..”

            Except attract the customers who are buying this..

    • Tim says:

      Italian versus Korean…Sex obviously sells. Not to diss the Hyosung, but the Ducati name spells cool to a lot of people, and those people are willing to pay the premium for Italian and for the name.

      There are other affordable options out there, such as the FZ07, FZ09, the Versys,650 Ninja, the Bonneville, etc., but they don’t say Ducati on them. The BMW R nine T is significantly more expensive and, undoubtedly cooler, but with the price difference they’re not remotely competing against each other. I would personally like to see Kawasaki bring the W800 to the states. You can pick up the retro Honda CB1100, the prettiest retro of them all, for around $9,000 if you look around.

      Personally, I would tend to put my money in a Japanese bike, in this price range, because you get more performance for the dollar, but I do get why some people want a Ducati in the garage.

      Another factor is seat height. I don’t know what the height is on this one, but I’m guessing it’s significantly shorter than the Yamaha, Kawasaki or Hyosung and probably on par with the Bonneville. They’re selling a lot of these to women, no doubt. I saw a couple of them riding around Colorado last week, both were ridden by women.

    • Don says:

      Don’t forget lower resale value!

      • KING KENNY says:

        Yes the Ducati will lose a lot of the resale value..Your right..Whats nice is Hyosung will give their customers 1000.00 if they trade up on certain models plus dealers will give top trade on a bike that costs less than 6299.00 and you can work the price..So your way ahead of the game compared to the Ducati..Ducati dealers charges freight and assembly which is another loss..Hyosung also gives 250.00 military discount ..Parts are much less by 33% or more also tune ups are also 50% less expensive ..If you want to save some buy a Hyosung..

  20. stinkywheels says:

    It seems this country is a V country. They (and I)seem to like v twins best. My fondest thoughts and experiences are with v twins. I loved my VTR 250 Honda ( the CBR 250/300 not so much), Buell, Ducati, Honda (RC51), Suzuki (SV), Aprillia, (and yes even) Harley. The Yamaha/BMW/Kawasaki are great bikes and sell well but don’t tickle the senses like a v motor does. Ducati seems to do it very well and seems like they have a new Monster on their hands. A light, simple, cheap (relatively), aircooled bike saved the company once more

    • KING KENNY says:

      Hyosung seems like they have the best bike for the money right now..Also no recalls..

      • Hot Dog says:

        I never see them in Dakota, never see Ducs either.

        • mickey says:

          Never seen a Hyosung in the flesh, have a son and a by marriage nephew that have 696 and 796 Ducs. Even though no dealer anywhere close, still see a few Ducs besides theirs occassionally.

          • KenHoward says:

            I’ve never before heard of anyone who lives and breathes – and evidently aspires to own – a Hyosung, before Kenny K, above. Every review of one shows continuous improvement, over the years, but still second-rate compared to the bigger manufacturers. To each his own.

          • Jeremy in TX says:

            A friend of mine had both a GT650 and the 250cc version of it. He bought them both cheap from a dealership that was going under years ago. I’d say they were pretty good buys at the time for what he paid for them (not sure I’d say that if he’d paid retail), and I don’t think either gave him any trouble other than minor quality niggles. He didn’t keep either very long and eventually replaced both with a Yamaha FZ6.

            I had an SV650 at the time, and it was a much better bike than the Hyosung. The Hyosungs were definitely a step behind in refinement and fit/finish than the Japanese bikes of that same era and probably even more so now. The 250 in particular might as well be a Ural compared to the new onslaught of small displacement bikes hitting the market, though I understand Hyosung has a new 250 out in other markets that is supposed to be a pretty competitive bike.

    • Tim says:

      People who love V Twins, definitely love V Twins. I have a big air cooled V Twin currently, and a couple of other bikes, but I struggle to warm up to the V Twin sound and shaking. Maybe because I grew up on smooth Japanese in-line multi-cylinder power. I definitely prefer the sound of a highly tuned V4 or V6, and the high revving power of those bikes. Most of my friends would own nothing but V Twins. We’re all different, which is a good thing. I also prefer the sound of a Ferrari to a big American muscle car, while I suspect most V twin guys would prefer the sound of an American muscle car.

    • Tim says:

      …But I do agree, Stinkywheels, this seems to be a V country.

    • Martin B says:

      I test rode a VTR250 Honda one time, and it was the only 250 I had ever been on with real actual, honest to God torque. It was ideal through town, and revved up nicely on the highway. Perfectly acceptable transportation. A scrambler version would be a runaway learner bike. Honda did this in the 1960s. Get with it, Honda!

      A VTwin is an engine you fall in love with, singles, parallel twins, and fours, not so much. Triples rock, too. The Honda 250 V Twin is an absolute peach, and should be better exploited.

  21. Lenz says:

    Simple, light, versatile, relatively inexpensive motorcycles with a little unique styling – what’s not to like ?

    There are so many buyer / market focus points here. Deriding the appeal of these bikes as the domain of “hipsters” is an absolute nonsense. It would appear the sales figures speak unequivocally for Ducati’s “Scrambler” AND Yamaha’s MT09.

    • TF says:

      I agree. Of the several people I know or have met that own or plan to own Scramblers, I can’t think of a single one I would pigeon-hole as a hipster. Anyway, hipsters are too busy turning the finite supply of nice old vintage bikes into clapped out café racers to be distracted by a new Ducati.

  22. Nobade says:

    Looks like the time is right for Honda to bring back the Ascot bikes, twin and single. People may be finally figuring out that smaller lighter bikes are more fun to ride than big heavy pig ones.

    • RD350 says:

      +1 on the Ascots. The time is now for the Japanese to capitalize on the retro scrambler or street tracker market. Yamaha could build theirs around the FZ-07 engine. Suzuki around the SV650 twin and Kawi their 650 twin.
      Sadly the Japanese always seem too early or too late to the game in the USA.

    • Matric says:

      – 1 for the FT Ascot. But i have to say that a variant of the VT Ascot could be nice. If a japanese company make a scrambler i would be very, very surprised it would come from Honda. These days, Honda is conservative or just weird with their models. Maybe the fourthcoming Africa Twin will be a turn around.

      • NRHRetro says:

        Honda offered several “scramblers” in the ’70s. the most popular ones based on the CB-350 and 450 twins that were once seemingly everywhere. I could see a scrambler coming from Honda if they think it will sell, perhaps based on the CB500 engine.

      • Martin B says:

        I had a Honda VT400 for a while, with shaft drive (the same engine as the VTwin Ascot). It was nice, but not a fizzy piece of excitement. The steering was weird, heavy but not rock solid, and the whole thing felt like other custom 3 valve Honda VTwins, where they had inadequate power and nothing else to balance the ledger.

        A scrambler version of the 4 valve VTR 250 Honda would, on the other hand, be a terrific piece of kit, with sporty handling, low down torque, a meaty mid range, and a howling top end denied to the 3 valve Honda Vees. A great way to get many more new riders on the road safely and enjoyable.

        • Martin B says:

          Or a blown up VTR 500, or even (he trembles with anticipation) a VTR 650 would be the dog’s bollocks. SO much better than a wimpy parallel twin. A nice broad power band covers a multitude of sins. And high bars so I could sit up like a gentleman and take control of the situation. Does Honda read this site?

          • Dave says:

            Re: ” SO much better than a wimpy parallel twin.”

            Yamaha’s FZ07 engine is excellent. It’s 270* clocked crank makes the pistons move and act like a 90* V-engine, without the added complexity of having 2x the parts and extra size/length.

            Sounds like Yamaha is already making the bike you’re looking for. 😉

          • Jeremy in TX says:

            I like parallel twins. Nothing “wimpy” about them.

    • VForce says:

      -1 on the Ascot… +1 on bringing back the Hawk GT which the Ascot motor was loosely based on.

    • RD350 says:

      Ahhh Dudes … I am sure you realize that we are not suggesting that Honda re-produce the 1983 Ascot. I am sure Nobade would agree that we are talking about an Ascot-like bike. More specifically, a heavily updated, middle-weight V-twin street tracker or scrambler that actually looks good. Light weight and good suspension would be a big plus.

      I agree with Matric that Honda is very conservative these days which is understandable in this world wide recession. What I dont understand is why they continue to put out weird (ugly) bikes that no-one seems to be excited about. I have said elsewhere that the Japanese manufacturers really need to hire some Italians to style their bikes. Or better yet, hire Oberdan Bezzi.

      • MGNorge says:

        You are correct in my opinion. Honda (and Suzuki?) obviously went conservative and huddled around what they do best, provide basic transportation for the masses and some other world markets. I believe they decided to hold back from introducing enthusiast bikes because of the added R&D costs. The Japanese automotive companies took some real punches during the downturn with some investments tanking. Even so, take the CBR1000RR, it’s out of the limelight compared to several other newer offerings from other manufacturers but it’s still a very good bike that goes well beyond the capabilities of most riders, and that’s not even counting the obvious limitations of riding such bikes on public roads. But bikes are so often bought on what’s trending and what evokes emotion because of what they bring to the table.

        I’m pretty sure that the Japanese know they can’t stay status quo forever. I believe we’ll see a resurgeance in their efforts as they put their engineers to work

        • Tank says:

          Honda is conservative? NC700JD, RC213V-S, GL1800C, MRT300G, CTX700D, and the Grom. I thought conservative meant cautious about change or innovation.

    • Tim says:

      Bring back the Honda GB 500, one of the coolest bikes Honda every produced, and very difficult to get your hands on these days.

  23. Ronbob says:

    Overall it looks and performs fine, as does my ’09 Buell XB9XS,which I can maintain mostly on my own. Good to see the boost in market share for naked bikes of all types.

  24. PN says:

    Well, good for Ducati and motorcycling in general, but the Scrambler doesn’t appeal to me. The “V” tubing under the tank makes the bike look static instead of flowing.

    • kjazz says:

      Yeah, good for Ducati and anyone who likes it…but, dang….to me, this bike just looks ….. well…… uggh. Almost every styling point is off base to my eye. Not ugly, just wrong. Almost like one of those plastic PlaySkool toys for tots was used as a model. Strange how many of you like it and some don’t. Oh well, that’s what makes the world go around. Like I said, I’m glad Ducati is selling a bunch and folks are happy. That’s what matters most.

    • Seth says:

      something needs to be blacked out there

  25. RRocket says:

    Are sales figures of some Japanese bikes available to compare and put 9,000 in perspective?

  26. John says:

    The Scrambler is cool, but I’d certainly buy an FZ07 over it. But I don’t care about cool as much as good design and build quality.

    • mg3 says:

      I have had a few months now to get a good look at the Yamaha FZ-09 and I am sorry to say it’s not wearing well with me. I think the reason is because I gravitate toward motorcycles that are ‘elemental’ in design, that is they aren’t dressed up with a lot of nonsense, like air scoops and plastic winglets, and airflow contouring, etc. I don’t mind a little wind protection, but over-styled motorcycles are a big turn off. Sadly, the FZ looks old already, to me anyway. I know it’s a great bike. I am talking only about the styling.

      The success of the scrambler seems to validate my feelings as being wide-spread throughout the motorcycling world. If the motorcycle is simply meant to be used as a multifunction tool for getting around, that happens to be a lot fun to drive, then we prefer a simple, basic design that gets the job done with the ‘least’ that is needed, not the ‘most you can throw on’. If you want one for crossing the continent then I guess it makes sense to make it a little more complex. Manufacturers will naturally drift toward more complex and expensive designs as an understandable way to stand out and beat the competition, so the only thing that will resist that trend is savvy buyers who know what they need, and don’t want to pay for a lot of stuff they don’t need.

      So bravo to Ducati for understanding this aspect of the MC market. I hope we see a lot more simple, inexpensive, not too large/heavy motorcycles in the future.

  27. AlohaTerry says:

    I saw at least 6 of these at the local event in St. Pete this last weekend…it seems to be a BIG hit with the hipster bikers in our area…so The Italian’s might have something going here… For your younger types the scramblers are an idea of going off road, not really going in the dirt, like the SUV’s most drive to work all a the time. Nice bikes, and priced right they seem to fast enough and cool enough to make them attractive to the hipsters. Me, I like the yellow one…sits pretty good and rides good for in town (urban) bopping around.

    • AlohaTerry says:

      Sorry, I was talking about the Duc’s I saw 6 of them last Saturday night in St. Pete not BMW’s…was reading other article and put this wrong place,,,my bad…BUT BMW had better get in on this too.

  28. Grover says:

    If BMW built a similar machine it would cost 2x as much. Like the R NineT.

    • Dave says:

      The closest they’d get would be something built on the parallel twin. The Husqvarna Nuda would’ve been a similar class of bike, but not nearly as inexpensive.

    • Jeremy in TX says:

      No kidding. I had a thing for the R Nine T (what a stupid name) and went to test ride one. I left thinking what a fantastic $12,000 motorcycle it was. Except it was $16,000.

  29. xLaYN says:

    “New Scrambler Fuels Big Sales Increase for Ducati”
    Yay, let’s hope all that money goes into research so they can come with an even more unbelievable package (btw, I was checking the numbers for the 1298 and 1299 and that thing is brutal).

    About the sales, well I guess they did their homework, there are several appealing aspects about the motorcycle:
    1) powerful (Quoting Randy) “basic, universal, non-cruiser, non-crotchrocket”, enough power to not being boring and grow with it.
    2) brand name.
    3) looks and sounds nice.

    I don’t know but I guess the monster line has “grow up” a lot and the space left by the lowest price/trim model it’s now being occupied by the scrambler…. eating my words the entry 696 and the scrambler have similar entry price.

  30. mariner says:

    On my 09 SE,I hung a couple of Happy Trails side cases,a pair of stock Thruxton (longer) shocks some hand protectors and never looked back… I love the creamy more powerful motor (than the Scrambler) And I don’t believe the Duc is as utilitarian (lack or weak) subframe for panniers).Never had any issues in over 24000miles and look forward many more years of adventure riding…Ducati reliability remains a major hurdle for me..I guess time will tell, but I would not like to be the guinee pig to find out…love my Triumph!….

    • mg3 says:

      ++ That Triumph SE is one sweet ride. Almost bought one off CL a couple of weeks ago but the seller was ‘holdin high’ as they say and wouldn’t deal with me. Maybe next year.

  31. JPJ says:

    How can we confirm this ? U.S.Motorcycle sales reports are not available to the general riding public. Why is this ? What’s the big secret ? New care sales in America are generally reported every month, within about 6-7 days time. The federal government knows within a couple of days what the sales volume demand of gasoline. I feel motorcyclist should be allowed to view this information. Who cares that H-D has the largest sales volume in USA, but what model? This information would be helpful for insurance and replacement parts availability once your ride is 8-10 years old.

  32. TF says:

    Being a lover of most Italian two-wheeled vehicles I have to admit that I was not a fan of the Scrambler’s looks. They have kind of grown on me lately but not to the point where I would buy one. I am happy to hear that the Scrambler has been a sales success for Ducati though. It will be good for the brand especially if the reliability is on par with the other newer two valve air-cooled designs. I have not heard of any issues.

  33. North of Missoula says:

    The Euro manufacturers continue to innovate and increase their market share. They obviously have a lot of passion for motorcycle riding in their executive offices and board rooms.

    The Japs, especially Honda and Suzuki, appear to have handed their torch from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to bean counters and lawyers.

    A Suzuki sales guy I know told me that in the 80’s, every year Suzuki would send a delegation around to dealerships to interview them about their product. He said that they actually listened, took notes and in many cases they would see their feedback make it into the product line. That was a long time ago.

    • Martin B says:

      I wonder how many Japanese motorcycle executives these days can even ride a motorcycle? They seem hopeless at the task of design and market positioning (they only seem to be able to sketch cartoon figures, and have forgotten what a motorcycle is supposed to look like). Also be aware that in Japan it is very difficult to get a license to ride anything over 400cc, and the speed limit on most roads is 80 kph (50 mph). Hard to develop outstanding skills or even maintain interest in those conditions. I am willing to stand corrected if there is evidence to the contrary.

  34. Espresso says:

    Are the sales figures to end users/consumers or to retailers i.e. line/supply chain fill?

  35. Randy in Atlanta says:

    I was looking for a basic, universal, non-cruiser, non-crotchrocket when I bought my new Bonneville a year ago. With more HP and lighter weight, I kinda wish this Duc had been put into the pond a little earlier. I would have bought it. The Bonnie is excellent for what it is, but a bit “frumpy”. Most of you would not remember the Ducati 450 (single) scrambler of the early seventies (it was even yellow). This bike is a modern retro that backs it up with good ergos and performance. I can understand its big sales numbers.

    • North of Missoula says:

      All of the articles and side by side comparisons I have seen say the Ducati blows the competition out of the water, especially in the area of power. You only live once, trade in the Truimph.

      • TF says:

        Better yet, keep the Bonnie (they are great bikes as well) and buy a Scrambler. It’s only money……you can always make more.

      • KenHoward says:

        The gents at motorcycle consumer news did a side-by-side comparison of the Triumph Scrambler vs the Ducati (April, 2015 issue). They rated the Triumph as having better (smoother) throttle action, vs the Ducati’s much-greater power, but “jerky response,” making it more difficult to ride on bumpy roads.
        The Triumph had slightly better shift quality, a larger rider triangle to better-accomodate riders 5’10” and over, and a much more comfortable seat. Both of their testers were surprised at the lack of suspension compliance of the Duc, considering its longer-travel shocks, compared to the Triumph.
        They gave “handling,” strong ABS brakes,” and “value” to the Duc (though their service cost estimates greatly favor the Triumph).

        • mickey says:

          Really the Triumph Scrambler has a better seat? That Duc seat must really suck because the Triumph seat is a plank.

          • KenHoward says:

            Yep, that was the first part I changed on my Bonneville. Evidently, even the Trump Scrambler’s “plank” is still more comfy than the Duc’s.

          • Jeremy in TX says:

            I rented a Triumph Scrambler once and was able to ride it all day without protest. I didn’t think it was bad at all.

  36. Trpldog says:

    am I the only one?…..
    70% ok
    25% My eyes my eyes!

  37. Will Parker says:

    Well hipsters like cheap beer (pbr) it’s not shocking they would like a cheap (for Ducati) bike..

    • advzen says:

      Guess the hipsters wont put much mileage on these things only going from bar to bar but for those that might >>7,500 mile valve adjustment intervals and 15,000 mile timing belt replacements seem ridiculous in 2015. That would be at least 3 trips to the dealer/year for me. No thanks.

      • TF says:

        That didn’t take long.

        You know, someone with initiative, a shop manual, and a hand full of tools can check valve clearances and change belts on an air cooled Ducati engine in about an hour. Just looking at the Scrambler, it might possibly be the easiest bike to service in their entire line-up. Also, clearances rarely need adjustment at 7500 miles but even then it’s no big deal if you have the proper shims on hand.

        The stories you hear about exorbitant dealer charges are because the scheduled service includes a bunch of additional stuff like an oil change, fluid flushes, air filters, plugs, etc…….all things that a serious enthusiast would have no issue doing himself.

        If your expectation is that you just sit and twist the throttle, expect to pay to play with regard to any bike. The other option is to buy a Honda, ignore all the service recommendations, and ride until it is ready to drop dead and then sell it on Craigslist for 10% of what you paid for it.

      • Neil says:

        I asked the local dealer what the service on one would be and he said 800 bucks. I said no thanks right there. But I am not in my 20s with Hipster money to burn either. Let’s not forget that some people are living in mini sub 400 sq ft apartments and home built trailer homes now as well. So maybe there is more money for one thing than another. Young Euro and White American people are also having far less kids as well, so there’s more motorcycle money as well. A couple of Chinese friends share a house with parents and siblings so they save a lot there for motorcycles too.

        • TF says:

          Eight bills seems high based on my experience unless that includes an oil change, plug and filter change, brake fluid change, and a wash and detail job. The bikes are real easy to work on and have evolved to be quite low maintenance. It’s an impossible marketing task anymore as Ducati has the valve check intervals up to 18K miles on the water cooled models and people still complain. As I said, if you just want to sit and twist the throttle, expect to pay to play with any vehicle.

  38. azi says:

    Suspension tuners must be experiencing a boom as well because of the Scrambler and the MT09.

  39. TimC says:

    Needs moar fender

  40. Jeremy in TX says:

    It will be interesting to see how other manufacturers react. I’d really like to see a Japanese response as I would much rather buy a Japanese scrambler than an Italian one, but I am not holding my breath.

    • Tank says:

      It would be nice to see Kawasaki make a bike like this with the Ninja 650 motor.

      • Dave says:

        I’d be interested in Yamaha’s FZ09/07 sales numbers as well as the other smaller bikes that have been emerging in the past 2 years.

        • TF says:

          And the 390 Duke… personal fav.

        • Curly says:

          I read in an Italian motorcycle blog ( that the MT-09 Tracer, our FJ-09, was #2 in sales there for the first 6 months of the year after the BMW GS and the MT-07, our FZ-07, was 4th or 5th and ahead of the Ducati Scrambler there.

        • John says:

          I’ve read that the FZs and particularly the FJ09 are selling like hotcakes which is why they’re rushing out an FZ07 for 2016 and another 07 based model, with perhaps even more to come for both engines. Good twins and triples are big sellers right now.

    • Mike says:

      My Guess: Reaction Time Frame To Introducing A “Scrambler” By Manufacturer

      1 year or less: Triumph, BMW, Aprilia

      2 to 4 years: Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Victory

      10 to 15 years: Honda

      Never: Harley Davidson

      • VForce says:


        Triumph has had a Scrambler since ’06. No one really noticed until about 2011 though. I remember a fellow dealer actually said once at a Triumph meeting “why does Triumph even keep that bike in the lineup”. There was a time that they were almost literally giving them away.

        • Mike says:

          Of course….I actually sat on one a couple of months ago!!!!

          Memory difficulties…..just one of the reasons guys my age should not be posting on forums like this….but you were really kind in reminding me that Triumph did in fact already make a scrambler. +++++ to you and thx

          • VForce says:

            Don’t feel bad. Obviously it’s the bike’s fault for not making it more of a memorable experience for you!!!

            The seat on the stock Scramblers are so bad you probably couldn’t wait to get off anyways 🙂

      • NRHRetro says:

        Might want to change that to Honda: 40 years ago 🙂

      • Martin B says:

        The Kawasaki W800 would be a very good candidate. I have ridden the W650 (very similar) and the engine truly is a thing of beauty. Very wide spread of power. Air cooling limits top end power, but how much top end to you need on a bolt upright bike anyway? The cycle parts lacked modern amenities. Ground clearance and suspension travel were lacking and the riding position was too cramped. A taller bike with better suspension would make a very nice “all road” day rider bike. They might have to go water cooled for pollution regs, but that would be a great pity.

  41. ABQ says:

    The Ducati Scrambler is the very definition of a motorcycle.
    Whether on the street, trail, or track. This is the one.

    • VForce says:

      It looks like a great bike, and is selling well, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it “the very definition of a motorcycle”.

      • Lynchenstein says:

        Yup, and I’d not take forged wheels on a trail if I didn’t have to.

        • Hot Dog says:

          How many disintegrated wheel/hub assemblies on bikes have you seen sitting idle by a trail?

          • Hot Dog says:

            Tell me why this comment of mine, when I first wrote it, would garnish the “THIS COMMENT IS AWAITING MODERATION”? Holy cripes, are there children reading comments on this site?

    • mkv says:

      The Scrambler is basically a 1st gen ducati monster.

      • Provologna says:

        The new motor is about 15 years more refined. Comfort wise, everything from seating position to engine NVH (noise, vibration, harshness) this new bike is infinitely improved. It’s really no contest, except possibly cosmetic design, which I like better on the original Monster.

        I owned a ’99 SS 900, more power but otherwise very similar motor (including bore and stroke) vs. the original Monster 900 (SS 6-spd, Monster 5-spd). I took a lovely S2R Monster 800cc for a long test ride. The S2R 800cc motor is very similar to the Scrambler (including bore and stroke), the S2R making a little more top end power I suspect.

        The S2R motor is infinitely smoother and more refined vs. my SS 900, not on the same planet. I’m big and strong, but still would describe my 900s dry cable actuated clutch as a century old tractor-like anachronism vs. the 800s oil-bathed hydraulic actuated clutch which a weakling could smoothly operate all day.

        I’m sure the Scrambler’s simple, smooth, oil-cooled, ultra-refined 800cc motor is a big attraction.

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