MD is looking for an associate editor, either full or part time, located in the Southern California area – preferably between Orange County and San Diego. Applicants must have excellent writing and editing skills, together with excellent skills riding motorcycles (prefer experience both off-road and on-road). Photography skills are a plus. If you are interested, please send your resume, along with a minimum of two writing samples (which do not have to be motorcycle-related), to
You should apply Jeremy, most of the time you post insightful, well structured, well informed, fact backed, history based or clearly presented as opinion posts.
Too bad you are not in California (as per your nick) but maybe you can get to an agreement.
Yea, most of the time, the rest of the time it’s just senseless blather
Just kidding Jeremy.
You’d make a great Assoc Editior. I do it for a hunting mag. Nothing to it, just evenings and weekends pouring over manuscripts, correcting grammar and english and getting less time to do the things you love to do most. And the pay is terrific ( raised eyebrow emoticon inserted here)
Does it count if I change my name to Jeremy in CA?