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Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews

213 mph Wheelie Sets New Record (With Video)


Dutch rider Egbert van Popta broke the record for fastest wheelie covering 1 kilometer last weekend at an airfield in England. Posting 213.039 mph, van Popta broke the 206 mph record set last year. We don’t know the details about his bike, but it surely has some serious horsepower.  Take a look at the video below:

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  1. Ryan says:

    Clearly see thats a turbo charged Busa with stock frame and brakes he added a locking clutch if you look closer.

  2. The caped crusader says:

    The speed is done by external, calibrated timing gear.
    Speedos are wholly inaccurate.

    The rider has to lift the wheel before a set point and has to keep the front in the air for an entire measured km. If the front touches down at any point in the measured km it’s a fail. It’s incredibly hard to do. If you think you can do better put your money where your mouth is.

    Oh and egbert is dutch. He rides a hayabusa turbo.

    Ghostrider is swedish. He’s been to the event 3 times and never managed a complete km

  3. Lee says:

    It’s not ghostrider…. He cant even wheelie the kilo as proven last year at the event!

    The front wheel has to be up for a kilo, your terminal speed is measured at the end of the kilo by timing equipment

  4. DB says:

    Curious if he went through the gears to do this, or somehow pulled it up around 200mph or so? Pretty impressive, seems like it would be hard to hang on at those speeds!

  5. David M says:

    How long does he have to keep it up ??? If you know what I mean…

  6. Kent says:

    Who cares?

  7. mickey says:

    I had no idea anyone kept such records. Fastest wheelie covering 1 Kilometer. Huh. Whoda thought?

  8. Ken says:

    Total beees essese no speed shown, wanker.

  9. Ken says:

    Nowhere did the video show the speed. I call be ess on this.

  10. Grover says:

    If he would have popta tire at that speed we’d be reading a whole different article!

  11. Jdilpkle says:

    I wonder if Marquez or Rossi could get out there and do that no problem whatsoever. I’m thinking it shouldn’t be difficult for them to do at all. What do you think?

    • Dave says:

      Probably, but when your job is getting paid million$ to win MotoGP’s, why would you bother?

      For perspective, Rossi demonstrated that he could be competitive in F1 auto racing in just 3 drives of the Ferrari (11th quick among the F1 regulars at a test). He stayed on the moto.

  12. jim says:

    At first I was thinking early GSXR1000 but the swingarm and front end look like something from a ZX9.

  13. beasty says:

    Those Power Rangers can do anything!

  14. Tom R says:

    I taught him how to do that.

  15. Mick says:

    The Dutch are awesome. I lived in Breda for a couple of years. I’m going there this weekend.

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