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EPA Confirms New, Larger and More Powerful Harley Engines for 2017


If you can open an Excel spreadsheet, you can take a look for yourself here. The EPA has published motorcycle engine certifications for 2017, and includes two, new Harley-Davidson motors displacing 1,746 cc and 1,868 cc, respectively. Reports indicate the new engine design will be referred to as “Milwaukee Eight”.

Big power increases are also confirmed by the EPA. Converting the EPA’s kilowatt figures to horsepower yields (1) 93 horsepower at 5,020 rpm for the 1,746 cc version, and (2) 101 horsepower at 5,020 rpm for the 1,868 cc version.

The larger engine (boasting 114 cubic inches) should initially be available only on CVO models. Both motors feature two-valve heads. Official announcements by Harley-Davidson might be a month or two away.

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  1. Marq J says:

    I really will never for the life of me understand why those who have such a distaste for the HD brand bother to take time out of their life to read about a product they’ll never own. Not once have I ever read about metric cruisers or BMWs. Why? Because I have absolutely no interest in these brands. I’m sure their great and not so great bikes among all of them but I’ll never know. Why? 1. Because I don’t care. 2. Because I chose to support an American based company for the motorcycle I ride. Is it THE best and most perfect bike on the market. Nope. It’s just perfect for me just like all other manufacturers are perfect for their owners. So at the end of the day ride what you like and enjoy it. If for no other reason, it appeals to YOU and YOU paid for it.

  2. jimmy says:

    10% more power… current twin cam set up is 50% more than stock, I can crack throttle at any 1st gear corner and steer with the back..slam second and spin it to the rev limiter, oh ya shes a blast….hit 3rd and I’m exceeding any North America speed limit…:-)

  3. jimmy says:

    I love reading others opinions on Harley’s…I love all they are women, I don’t usually discriminate unless she won’t fit on the back of the bike..have been riding and wrenching on bikes since I was 8 yrs old, and if I couldn’t fix it, I soon found someone that could..for free.. and shared the knowledge…I have had many Jap bikes..20 to be exact. As for the new 8 valve…10% more than twin cam……well my current twin cam set up is already 50% more than what it came with…its a blast, I can crack throttle on any 1st gear corner and steer with the back…shift to 2nd and tire shred all the way to rev limiter, hit 3rd and am exceeding any speed limit in North America….I’m going to wait 2 yrs before taking the leap to the new 8 valve….but I’m betting that 140 ft lbs will be standard on these bikes with a minor $3000 in mods….:-)

  4. JB in Utah says:

    I’ll have to…excuse me…yawn…as well over this feeble attempt by HD to persuade the smart folks out here that they have made a technological leap in performance, quality and reliability. For me I will smile on my Midnight Stratoliner as I see the HD in my rear view.

  5. Chrisgo says:

    Interesting news. Personally, I think H-D does a pretty good job modernizing their bikes without loosing the essential quality they have, the one the Japanese manufacturers have tried so hard to duplicate. Like many on this site I have owned many different motorcycles, 22 in fact, all but two Japanese. The two exceptions were a Buell XB-12R (that I really enjoyed, but it was impractical for me), and a ’77 BMW R100/7 (meh..). I found BMW owners to be very similar to H-D owners, fiercely brand loyal-and willing to badmouth other brands. I have never owned a H-D but a Road King is in my immediate future I suspect. I will wear a helmet however, and have nice quiet mufflers.

  6. Tank says:

    Why do you need a bigger Harley? Mrs. Doubtfire knows.

  7. Huffster says:

    Wow…Two Valve heads….That’s some engineering right there ! Meanwhile, Indian just released a truly unique lineup that is 5 years ahead of H-D.

    • Bob says:

      They’re 4 valve heads, incorrectly listed as 2 valve on the EPA certification spreadsheet.

  8. BKTDAD says:

    Harley Davidson continues to build motorcycles so they can sell t-shirts. The marketing/merchandising arm of this machine may be the most technologically advanced of all. Yes, H-D is a huge part of American history. Yes, they dominate the cruiser market (in terms of sales). Yes, they will endure while metric motorcycle companies bail out of the cruiser market. I have ridden motorcycles for over 40 years and have never owned, or desired to own, a Harley. I have ridden plenty of them (from the 883 Sportster to the Ultra Classic to the V-Rod and everything in between) and was never impressed. There is not one single model that does everything well, or even gets my undivided attention. I currently ride a Yamaha (Star) Roadliner S. I have labeled it a “super cruiser” as it packs plenty of muscle, adequate comfort, remarkable handling, and great value. It does many things very well and most of all, it makes me smile. That’s what riding is all about. Harley Davidson has made a lot of people smile over many decades, and it sounds like the latest plans will increase the happy factor for a few folks.

  9. waitman says:

    Well, I’m going to say it. Harley guys; what’s the deal? Do we all have to buy into the b.s. just because you have? Brand loyalty is okay/commendable (I guess) but when it takes control of common sense I take issue. I visit this site every damn day of my life and I can honestly say that there is only one brand that is “untouchable” as far as its fans are concerned. Yes, that’s Harley Davidson. I ask again…What’s the deal? I don’t find other “brand loyalties” taking control of truth and reason. Seems to me that there’s ALWAYS an honest interchange of opinion among/between commenters. Not so with (a large majority) of the Harley Davidson contingent. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. Why do you take it so personally? Why do you insist that (somehow) it’s incorrect (Un-American) to point out the fact that your favorite manufacturer has very little interest in making anything but large/heavy/slow/antiquated machinery? It’s okay. You can love these lovable lumps if you want. Nobody’s saying you shouldn’t. All I NEED to say is: who are you trying to convince? We all know the truth. It seems to me that it is an image thing because there is no other rationale that works. Am I wrong? Why do we still get the “screw you if you don’t like Harleys” argument? Why do we still hear the (racially insulting) “go ahead, ride your Jap Crap we don’t give a sh!t” retorts? How many times have you heard anybody here say anything similar in defense of any other brand? We all may have favorites but we’re not blind to facts! I just want an honest answer, not some emotional “eff-you dumbass” response. Please tell me how so many of us are wrong about Milwaukee’s Finest’s lack of interest in producing anything which advances motorcycle performance. As previously stated, I totally understand and respect your right to love Harley Davidson. My gripe is why do you feel it a personal afront when others tell the truth? When I hear someone…anyone on this forum say, “go ahead, ride your fat-ass, overpriced, underpowered piece of crap American bike ’cause we don’t care”, I’ll withdraw my opinions and issue an apology. Fire at will!!!

  10. fred says:

    Go Harley, will we soon see a horsepower per cubic inch

  11. Gary in NV says:

    Three observations:
    #1 Cubic Zirconia vs Diamond – Yes, Cubic Zirconia is more technologically advanced and flawless, but there is nothing a like a “real” diamond, even with all its flaws and aged design. With that being said,
    #2 Why do I see so many metric cruisers with the manufacturer name hidden or removed all together? E.g. “Star Motorcycle” emblem which looks like a old Heritage or Road King emblem. Or, the V Star 1300 Tourer which looks like a Softail/Fat Boy clone.
    #3 Why do all the metric guys buy their leather at Cyclegear, and not from the manufacturer with Kawasaki or Yamaha embroidered all over it?

    Point, there are two types of riders: 1) those who ride Harleys because they get it, and 2) those who don’t but wish the paid the extra buck for the real deal. I’ve ridden both, and if I was 120 lbs, I would be banging out twisties on a Ninja. But at 235, I will take my fat cruiser everyday.

    I can ride a 1000 miles in one day on my Ultra rumbling down the highway, and actually feel the connection with the pavement. Road my buddies BMW and I got bored after the first 100 miles – nifty bike, but yet, not a bike – more like a car with 2 wheels. Now, maybe if I was on a track going 200 mph, it would be different, but cruising down I-80/I-90 at 90 mph, I’ll take the Harley every time.

    • mickey says:

      Lol, well there are many kinds of riders. There are actually riders like me who have tried the “real deal” (6x for me … I kept thinking the next one would have to be better, but they never got any better) and came away unsatisfied with the product for various reasons. There is no doubt that cruisers are popular in this country especially Harley due to their history in this country, but some things to some riders are more important than history. Weight, performance, handling, ergos, and yes looks all play a part in the motorcycles we choose.

      You know who values real diamonds? Women. ( I kid )

    • Scottie says:

      I’ve been riding my 2007 Stratoliner with 113 c.i./85+ hp / 110 lbs torque for seven years. Glad H-D finally understands that cruisers can have a little better performance.

      Spend the extra buck? I have other interests outside riding that require a lot more money. Ever owned a sailboat?

      Just hope you didn’t finance your toy. Never fiance a toy.

  12. Bolt says:

    Harleys r great but it’s more than the sum of its parts.

    • Jeremy in TX says:

      I should hope so because there is an immense chasm between the sum of its parts and the asking price.

  13. andy1300 says:

    Its about time Harley puts some money into engineering and not just paint jobs…

  14. Artem says:

    No, thanks.
    BMW K 1100 LT

  15. Bob says:

    Has anyone heard if there will be both counter-balanced and non-counterbalanced versions of this engine as with the Twin Cam?

    • The Spaceman says:

      All the new Milwaukee 8 engines have counterbalancing. There will be variations in CC’s and cooling.

  16. Richard says:

    06 BMW R1200rt 1147cc/110HP 560lbs wet,easy 50MPG, 85k miles,handles like its on rails.Riding 57yrs FAR & AWAY the best bike I’ve ever owned.

  17. Michael Haz says:

    The name Milwaukee Eight is given because this is the eighth major version of the 45 degree v-twin in HD’s history.

    I’d buy one, though not a CVO version. I like Harley’s for what they are, and for the large place they occupy in the history of American motorcycles and motorcycling. The MoCo isn’t tryint to make “something for everyone” with its produict lines; just variations of one basic configuration. With that, they have captured nearly 50% of the American motorcycle market.

    Like everything else, if you don’t kike wha the MoCo does, then walk on by.

    • david says:

      its called the milwaukee eight because it has eight valves.

    • Mindspin says:

      “The all-new Harley-Davidson® Milwaukee-Eight™ engine, ninth in the lineage of the company’s iconic Big Twin engine…” from HD press release.

      Nope. It’s because it has eight valves.

  18. Rene says:

    You may recall the Buell of 20 years ago made a lot of power (compared to the XL engine it was based on), but it did shake itself apart. I recall going to a demo ride event years ago, and the mechanics had to tighten things up between rides. Just sayin’

    • Bob K says:

      What’s that smell? Smells like BS.

      Bought my first Buell in 94. Still have a few. All high mileage now. Never lost a bolt on any. Had a gauge fry on me. Blame that on the gauge mfr.

  19. redbirds says:

    A friend got a CVO Limited couple of years back. $40,000 and the thing rides like a buckboard. He spent another $4,000 on after market suspension mods but my wife’s stock V-strom rides better and cost only twice what he paid for suspension work. It has beautiful paint and chrome but for that much money I would expect more than a “pretty face”. I’ve been riding for 50 years and I still don’t get the “Harley thing”. I am glad that some people like them.

    • jim says:

      redbirds there is a few of you idiots out there that run their mouth about something they know nothing about you cannot be trying to compare a v-storm to a Harley are you?

  20. Frank says:

    Forget all the other stuff…weight, handling, quality, cost…big numbers sell in this market. Big hp and torque, lots of cc’s. Harley sales numbers are down, Indians are up. Offering competitive size and power is an obvious decision for them to go against the ‘upstart’ other American motor company.

    • jim says:

      Frank sorry to tell you but indian went out business over 50 years ago now they a tricking you with a motor cycle built by a go cart company with nothing indian on it but the name tag ha-ha

  21. BRI says:

    So why are you guys all slaggin the Harley bikes…?? Why are ya’s even reading this if you don’t ride one nor want one…??? If you can’t or won’t afford one then shut up and ride away on your jap cruiser with the punched out baffles… Or get on your adventure bike and go hit some more pavement… Ever seen the dirt..??
    Stop hatin the Harley bikes… We don’t want to hear your crying.. We buy em, customize them, work on them, fix them, etc… If a Harley doesn’t do it for you thats fine….SHUT UP AND GO RIDE WHATEVER YOU HAVE… Gee its tuff being number one…always trying to put us down.. haha..

    • waitman says:

      Read ’em all BRI. We’re not all hating HD but please understand that a large segment of the usual suspects are not going to be impressed with 114 c.i. and 101 hp pushing .5 tons. Seriously? I get it. HD wins the sales race. Now, YOU need to get it. Please get the chip off your shoulder and stop being a low-tech, S.O.S. apologist! Some of us appreciate technological/mechanical advancement. Please don’t hate us. My first bike 1969 HD XLCH.

    • jim says:

      BRI you sure know how to make me smile when reading your post,I really don’t know why these idiots that hate Harleys even read about them don’t they know Harley builds the machine most of us want and like

  22. ABQ says:

    Other companies will get over 120hp from a 1200cc twin, and their bikes will still weigh closer to 500lbs. They will also have water cooling and twin disc brakes up front. Their bikes also cost less, have less maintnance and last longer.
    Why do we care about H-D when we have better choices?

  23. Bolt says:

    I would really prefer a water-cooled engine y103 gets really warmwhat could be wrong with a water-cooled engine?

    • jim says:

      Bolt then all you have to do is get off this site and go get a job and buy yourself a water cooled 103

  24. EZ Mark says:

    The bigger they get, the heavier they get.
    The heavier they get, the slower they get.
    The slower they get, the bigger they get.

    • jim says:

      EZ MARK where in the dickens do you idiots come up with garbage like this get off the site and go do something productive

  25. Provologna says:

    When I have trouble sleeping I grab text and images of HD’s latest engineering marvels like this two-tired, too tired turd.

  26. Ron H. says:

    I pretty much like all motorcycles in one way or another, but after riding my neighbors heritage soft-tail (after putting a clutch in it for him) I’m amazed at how much money Harley’s cost for what they are. I’m sure these new one’s will push into the $30K level. Performance wise I’d say they’re worth $12k to $15k… maybe.

  27. Max says:

    Yawn…stick with my XSR 900.

    • rokster says:

      Hey, I am really interested in getting an XSR. What is your (as honest as possible 🙂 ) opinion so far?

  28. waitman says:

    I really did have a comment but “if you don’t have anything nice to say…” Doesn’t have to make sense to me. This genre is just not my cup of tea.

  29. Tr0y says:

    Snore …. wow still as exciting as a hotdish …

  30. Bill N says:

    There WAS a listing for a stage 3 kit for the new motor on the Harley site that showed eight valve springs and eight keepers-takes a 107 to 114 inches. Some people are saying it’s the eighth V-twin design-1) l head 2) flat head 3) knuckle head 4) pan head 5) shovel head 6) block head 7) twin cam (or twinkle if you don’t like them) and now 8) whatever it gets called.

    • Bob says:

      Given the problems they had with the Twin Cam, I’ll stick with my “Milwaukee Six” aka “Evo”, until this ones been around a few years.

      • Bob K says:

        16 tears on my FXDX’s Twinkie and no issues. Been running it at 95″ since 2001. Not sure what issues you’re talking about that aren’t owner induced.

        • Bob says:

          The problems are well documented. Cam chain tensioner pre-mature wear and failure leading to swarf through the engine. Crankshaft scissoring of pressed together flywheel assembly and resulting oil pump failure due to run out. Just minor problems. Nothing that can’t be fixed for a small fortune with aftermarket improved parts. I look forward to a technical analysis of the new engine in order to see how they handled improvements.

    • Bob K says:

      Each valve has 2 springs. One inside the other. One counteracts the resonant frequency of the other so the valves don’t float as the rpms increase.

    • Jake says:

      I can’t believe you’re trying to hang the Blockhead name on the Evo. After all of these years. People tried that back I. The 80’s. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. The Evolution engine was the start of Harley throwing ou all the old tech. The Evo has the name it deserves, given to it and copyrighted 6 ways to Sunday by the MoCo same as the. Twin Cam or Twinkie if you don’t like them either. Here’s a news flash for you. Trying to hang an old-school name on a new school motor doesn’t make it old school, it just makes the person doing it look pathetic. Kinda like tryi g to give yourself a cool nickname in High School, it just doesn’t work that way.

  31. Buzz says:

    There was a picture of an upgrade kit (since redacted) that showed 8 valve springs in the kit.

    Is a pushrod 4 valve head possible?

  32. Bob says:

    Two valve heads? I thought the big fuss over these was because of four valve heads.

  33. bad Chad says:

    I wonder if they will put out more heat than power? Toasty!

  34. Butch says:

    More hp.
    More heat.
    More weight.
    Mo $$.

    I’m sure they will sell 1000’s of them.

  35. Mick says:

    Wow. Harley finally caught up with Buell twenty years ago.

    • Rene says:

      You may recall the Buell of 20 years ago made a lot of power (compared to the XL engine it was based on), but it did shake itself apart. I recall going to a demo ride event years ago, and the mechanics had to tighten things up between test rides.

      • Jeremy in TX says:

        The Harleys shook themselves apart too. It had nothing to do with the power output.

      • jimmy says:

        oh yes I love the constant pulse of the pistons and the massive torque from the weight of the flywheels…….japs are still scratching there heads on this one….

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