When Ken rode the new 2017 Yamaha FZ-10 at the press introduction, he came away very impressed with this big, fast naked bike with the heart and soul of a superbike. We just received an FZ-10 for an extended evaluation. We will bring that evaluation to you in a series of reports over the next few months.
Consider this an introduction only, together with Dirck’s first impressions of the FZ-10. This is a comfortable bike with generous ergonomics (upright and decent leg room) coupled with an extremely potent engine and chassis package.
The FZ-10 is a very fast motorcycle with mid-range power that provides flexibility for riding on the street at sane rpm levels.
As Ken noted from the press launch, the FZ-10 wheelies (no clutch-work required) when hard on the gas in the first two gears. Indeed, if you are uncomfortable with the front wheel in the air, don’t wind the throttle too quickly in first gear!
The chassis is obviously very stiff. It feels like a race bike. This requires excellent suspension settings to provide a comfortable ride at a street pace, and, fortunately, the FZ-10 appears to have an excellent fork and shock. We will be riding the FZ-10 in several different environments, and we will provide some recommendations regarding suspension settings.
We have not taken fuel economy readings, yet, but given the forward thrust offered by this machine, we expect it to be pretty thirsty. Stay tuned for details on fuel economy in a future report.
So far, this feels like a hard core superbike with upright ergos and power pushed down into the mid-range. Don’t get us wrong, this bike pulls extremely hard on top as well, just not as hard as an R1. The FZ-10 redlines at 12,200 rpm, while the R1 spins all the way to 14,500 rpm.
Oh yeah, the Crossplane crank in this bike makes the intake and exhaust sound bitchin’. Keep an eye out for our next report.
See more of MD’s great photography:
A little smoothing and blending of surfaces would go along way for me on appearances. Several of these nakeds present a pretty fair value in performance, utility and comfort. I really don’t understand why the manufacturers don’t look into offering these bikes as as a basic naked running package available with 2 or more interchangeable headlight, fairing, instrument cluster and tank packages. One new wave, one more conventional or mix and match. It could be done more easily and with less financial risk than certifying a completely new model with the same basic running gear (that they all do now) and gambling a lot of potential sales on the popularity of a single cosmetic package.
I sat on a Tuono and the pegs were far too high for a street bike that I would ride for any period of time.
I rode the “10” early last year and it was great. Ergos and power. I am a Yamaha fan (I own a FJR and a XSR900), but I couldn’t get around the styling or the colour. I also ride an Aprilia Tuono 1100 which is designed beautifully and has amazing power, and in Canada, is priced the same as the “10”. Put the two beside each other and the Tuono blows it away.
Just to expand on the subject of looks a bit, this might be appealing in a 300 cc to a less focused rider, to draw them into the sport. I think that what people who work up to this bike want is something like a race bike with comfy ergos. I know it’s about “naked” these days – which I admittedly don’t understand – but I personally prefer a small race bike fairing. Anyhow, it should have a more classic, maybe early R1, look in my opinion.
re: “I admittedly don’t understand”
austerity economics, cost reduction.
full fairings: there’s an APP that charges for that.
Motorcycles had always been “naked.” They were invented naked. When fairings came out, particularly on higher performing motorcycles, it was considered an improvement. They cut wind resistance and made more out of available power while increasing wind protection for the rider. That’s what I mean.
«Anyhow, it should have a more classic, maybe early R1, look in my opinion.»
Of course it should! Who doesn’t like a sporty look for what is after all a performance bike?
If Yamaha had done this the bike would be in my garage already, got that Yamaha?
READERS: you are Design School students. Roll a stripped vehicle into a design studio with all the absolute essentials that go into the highest performance, modern light-weight daily rider: lightweight powerful engine, transmission, exhaust pipe, radiator, battery, wheels, suspension, frame, brakes, handlebars.
Then ask the designers to add only the seat, fenders, gas tank, gauges, lights, blinkers, license plate holder, muffler, and fairing. “Don’t mess it up. We’re trying to make Americans buy a new motorcycle. Riding must be actually comfortable.”
Which marque has done the best job with such an assignment? This Kawasaki ain’t bad, but who is great?
Which Kawasaki?
PS – RNineT ain’t bad I have to admit.
I mean this Yamaha ain’t bad. oops.
BMW, Aprilia, and Troumph.
Kawasaki z650 looks good to me, Suzuki is doing ok too, I think.
The front of the original 500 cc Piaggio mp 3 managed to look like a tiki mug. The type of mug that some Chinese restaurant’s sold mia tia’s and zombies in. I got the joke but when it comes to designers mimickin human and animal faces, I think it’s weird. This and BMW’s owl and disfigured possum are just as wrong as bears walking on two legs and billionaire presidents. Wrong and spooky.
As far as in-person vs. pictures, I just went to dealer (one in my office park basically) over lunch and they have one (all-black, sold already so didn’t sit).
Styling-wise, yes it’s different in person – but it’s not better. It still isn’t shaped organically or pleasingly, but up close this is harder to see than at a distance. What stuck out more was just how tacked-together the bike is – e.g. exposed bolts on the Tranformer-Panel above the headlight. Many things on the bike stand out like this.
One day this era will pass – hopefully towards something better?
Not a big fan of the styling, not on this, or on the new FZ-09.
Not because it’s not traditional, but because it’s just plain not very attractive. Too busy – too many visible hoses, pipes, tubes, etc. Too many panels that look tacked-on, in different colours.
For the record, I think the Z900 looks basically OK (need more colour choices, tho), as do the GSX1000S and F, despite their exaggerated stink-bug tails (on all three).
Actually, that’s one strike this one doesn’t have against it – a stink-bug tail in the “Streetfighter” style that was ever so cool and hip – 15 years ago.
Anyway, it’s not hideous, just not as good looking as it could be.
I bet a camo version paint job would work perfect for this one!
Great idea! If it was effective enough, I wouldn’t be able to see it and that would be a plus!
Don’t know if all the negative comments on ‘looks’ are being made be folks who’ve seen the bike in person or not. If so, that’s cool. But in my opinion, this bike looks much better in the flesh than in any pic’s I’ve ever seen of it…I’m calling it contemporary, urban,’robotic military’ tech… or just cool.
re: “I’m calling it contemporary, urban,’robotic military’ tech”
i’m calling in sick today so as to prepare a proper offering/sacrifice to what’s been described as OUR NEW ROBOT OVERLORD.
I think your description … “contemporary, urban,’robotic military’ tech” .. is a fair one. Its more Stealth Bomber than P51 Mustang. I just question whether many of the expected buyers of naked, upright sporty-bikes want super-cutting-edge, Stealth-styling or whether they want more retro styling? At a certain point, more mature riders give up the racer-boy wannabe styling of sport-bikes. As they mature and move away from super-sports they begin to want more age appropriate looking bikes.
Actually, if I just saw a silhouette of this bike, other than maybe the fairing part, I would think it had very nice lines. In my opinion, it’s just to “busy” up around the tank, with a lot of unnecessary plastic detailing.
I have long suggested that street bikes get cheap, easily sourced and replaced plastics like the dirt bikes. You can change the color and graphics, if desired, on a dirt bike for a very reasonable sum in less than an hour. I don’t know if these plastics qualify. But maybe it’s a start.
I will always lament a bike that will hose the rider with water and mud in the rain. Maybe that made to be removed license plate holder will keep the water and mud off of you, if you leave it on, and maybe it won’t. I just don’t understand why you can’t get the rest of the tail section. Or at least some ready hard points for mounting a “luggage rack” or the like that would complete the tail section for those who are not a slave to the current anti-function fashions.
As far as the overall styling goes. The Japanese seem to be trying to get traction with a uniquely Japanese brand of styling. They are the people who, more or less, invented the dirt bike styling and function that I was on about above. Note that the negative comments have gone from origami to transformer. I feel that if the styling has gone from paper comparisons to machine comparisons, that they are making some strides. The styling wouldn’t keep me, a 55 year old mostly dirt biker, from buying this particular bike. The weight does. I would pay extra for a bike that is lighter first and more powerful second, and not the other way around.
re: “The Japanese seem to be trying to get traction with a uniquely Japanese brand of styling.”
only to be rudely RUN OVER by an Italian Tuono… (Vrooom)
normally I give manufacturers a fairly “wide berth” when it comes to styling (less they screw the pooch) but when we look at it’s direct competitor in the category…? “Yamamoto” haven’t done themselves or their franchisees any favors (good or bad, the majority whose job it is to sell these things AREN’T Japanese) which is shame considering it’s R1 core is bloody brilliant.
I don’t think older guys (I am one being in my late 60’s) are opposed to advancements in handling, power, braking, suspension or useful electronics (ABS, cruise, simple modes etc).
When there were only Brit bikes and Harleys we accepted each advancement from Japan and bought 750 Hondas, 900/1000 Kawasakis, FZ-1 Yamahas, GSXR Suzukis, VFR Hondas, Honda Blackbirds, Suzuki Hyabusas, Yamaha VMax’s, Kawasaki Ninjas, most of whatever Japan sent us, as long as they still looked something like motorcycles. I think we would still buy the latest tech if they looked like motorcycles. There must be some utilitarian aspect. Good ergos, comfy roomy seats for two, some wind protection, good gas capacity, and the ability to carry something. Now, every offering doesn’t need to have those things, but some offerings should have. Make an insectoid if you want, for the kids, but also make something more pleasing to the eye and useful using the same platform for the adults. We will still buy them.(at least I will)
My 5yo boy is a huge Voltron fan and he says this bike looks awesome! His 50-ish pops (me) … not so much. Lots of good comments here. I’ll just add this. When and if an attractive/more mature version of this bike (and the FZ-07/09) does arrive we all have to go out and actually buy one. That’s the best way to send the manufacturers a message. Anyway, back to my 1986 SRX600 project.
PS .. this FZ10 would be a great platform for an FZ750 Eddie Lawson Daytona Rep. Just saying.
I like the way you think.
“When and if an attractive/more mature version of this bike (and the FZ-07/09) does arrive we all have to go out and actually buy one. That’s the best way to send the manufacturers a message. Anyway, back to my 1986 SRX600 project.”
The XSR900 is exactly what you describe. It even includes the same letters as your SRX, which makes sense, since the XSR is a ’70s throwback design.
The SRX is an awesome looking, modern looking bike. The XSR, not so much.
The SRX looks modern? Really?
Yes, really. More so than any other bike from that era:
“Now you listen to me! I don’t want any plastics!” – George Bailey
(Norm paraphrasing)
“i just want to say one word… are you listening…?”
I don’t see why so many people object to the looks of this particular bike. To me, looking at it in my garage, it looks powerful, like it could go 150mph. I own 8 bikes, all different sizes, retro, super-naked, Ural side car etc and Ibelieve it to be a good looking bike. It’s comfortable, smooth, great sound etc. And believe me if I don’t like a bike I have been known to sell it rather quickly to make room for another. Now the Kawasaki, Z1000 for 2011, that was ugly:) and I sold it after 4 months since it didn’t handle well and wasn’t comfortable.
“I don’t see why so many people object to the looks of this particular bike.”
A. Because it’s seriously ugly
B. Because it’s unnecessarily seriously ugly, what with all the tacked-on plastic bits that serve no function
C. Because it not only didn’t need to be so ugly, it actually could have been rather attractive
D. All of the above
I am sure that there must be a aftermarket Company that is dying to produce a Kit for the front light area that would make the FZ/MT10 look like a XJR1300 Version?
Just a matter of time, surely?
re: “there must be a aftermarket Company that is dying to produce a Kit for the front light area”
a license to print money that.
So I wonder if Japanese styling sells in Europe? By the comments here, I’d have to think that is the reason the Japanese stick to these kinds of styling themes.
Unlike many, I actually like the Z900, but I have to admit that I am not crazy about this design. It just seems like a twisted set of ideas that never came together as a whole. That seems true of many Yamaha designs recently. Whether one likes the design language of the other Japanese marks or not, they tend to at least be cohesive.
«So I wonder if Japanese styling sells in Europe?»
I doubt it very much, I think the reaction in Europe will be even worse. I just don’t see how this style is going to be successful anywhere for Yamaha, my money would be on them switching course sooner than later after they see the likely catastrophic sales numbers! IMO they should fire the whole design department!
Some have been saying they mean to attract younger rider, but it makes absolutely no sense when you look at the many entry level Japanese bikes that are beautiful.
You know you could just go over and look, FFS.
If you had bothered to do so, you’d see that the FZ/MT range is leading EU sales charts in their respective classes, and that the FZ-10 is sold out in the UK.
Seriously, don’t presume when you can just go and check the facts.
True that MT/FZ line have been and excellent bikes and a commercial success.
We’ll see what happens with the new styling, still too early to tell IMO.
Still is a fact that many won’t go for it because of the look, would be nice to see other models as they did for the 09.
O.K. I’m coming in here, as I can’t stand not to comment. I admit, I am 53, but can, and still do, occasionally ride the stonk out of a sporty motorcycle. I do like a little comfort, don’t mind much about fuel capacity or back seat comfort….don’t consider myself an old codger, by any means. Would keep typing, but will get to the point. I hate this bike for the same reasons everyone else mentions. I am ready to buy something to replace my current bike, and have a long history with Kawasaki and Yamaha. Waiting for something that I too can take that second look at, as I walk away. Not much out there for me, right now. And, yes, my current bike is a great, but too heavy ZRX1200. Don’t hate on me, young ones, as I mean no harm to anyone that also enjoys an effortless, yawning, power wheelie. I would truly hate to be seen getting off this bike, at really any destination I can imagine myself going. Sad.
Listen up, Yamaha corporate brass, if you’re paying attention. If you don’t put all this high performance, light weight, superb handling, and high reliability inside a bike that looks exactly like a) an old Triumph Bonneville, b) an old Ducati 916, or c) an old Honda 750 Four, then we ain’t gonna buy it. That’s US in the USA. Bring it on.
(Except I’ll buy this new Fizzy 10.)
i like it in black, but needs fairing like old fz1 or you fly off the back on the freeway
Whats with the battleship gray and piss yellow wheels Yamaha? You are awesome at engineering, you SUCK at styling and painting your nekkids!
These colors are somewhat enhanced/exaggerated by the use of fill flash by the photographer.
I believe that color is actually MORE ugly when seen in person unfortunately…
How would you like to wake out of a deep sleep in the dark with that face staring at you from across the room?
I just love coming to MotorcycleDaily.com to get my daily dose of cranky old people complaining about how an entire industry is leaving them for dead. Because, like it or not kids, the demographic you are in is aging out – and thus your opinions matter less with each passing day.
Bob, I’m neither cranky or ancient. I would hope that anyone else’s opinion is as valuable as yours. I would also hope that you could discern between a judgement call on aesthetics and a judgement call on someone’s intentions. Notwithstanding, have a good day.
Bravo! Amen!
Gee Bob, you don’t have to put it like that!
Speak up, sonny, I can hardly hear you, I’m so old! And this dern typewriter has dern small letters on it!
Bob, I hope you can buy up the whole lot of these great performing, but ugly bikes, and prove to the industry they had it all right all along! Now I have to get my second dose of Fibril before hitting the hay at 9
“the demographic you are in is aging out – and thus your opinions matter less with each passing day.”
The demographic the manufacturers are targeting with these new designs isn’t buying the end product. Full stop. Sales of middleweight and liter-class Japanese streetbikes have fallen off a cliff in recent years. That being the case, Japan, Inc. may just want to get off the whole Crouching Manga, Hidden Transformers thing and start presenting these very expensive products in a more favorable light to the demographics that can and actually will purchase these products.
Funny, considering this bike, and the FZ family, are Yamaha’s top-selling full-size motorcycles in nearly every market they sell to.
Top-selling, compared to what? Their other large-displacement Japanese streetbikes, most of which are DOA, in terms of total sold units?
I suppose so.
Top-selling, compared to every other motorcycle in the sales chain. Seriously, go look it up.
In UK, for instance, the FZ-10 was the top selling model for 2 or 3 (IIRC) months… out of all models, full stop.
Here’s where your point fails. Millennials live in their mom’s basement and have negative net worth. If you think they’re buying a $15k bike w/$2k annual insurance and considerable annual service bills, keep thinking.
Conversely, the old farts here moaning are the wealthiest Americans, with the greatest amount of disposable income for toys like this.
Even if your point is correct this bike is more attractive to younger riders, it would still net Yamaha more to cater to the elders. At least that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it…….for now!
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!
As a moaning old fart, I like to think about how appealing these bikes will be 15 years down the road, while I count my vast piles of money. Crap! Now I’ve lost count…………and my train of thought.
Here’s where your assumption fails. I’m a millennial, with a good job and full benefits, riding around on one of several bikes that happen to include the FZ-10.
Of my cohort, most of whom are college failures or drop-outs in some variety of another, we all seem to have a our shit together, financially-speaking.
Sure, many young folks are crippled by college debt, but even so, we’re making things work.
I “assume” nothing. I described the average “Millennial” vs. the average “over 55.” I’ll wager you’re not a math expert. Maybe pictures will help you: http://www.investmentzen.com/blog/average-net-worth-by-age-american-households/
Over age 55 have about 3.5x the net worth of Millennial demographic. Is this really news to you?
Really, net worth doesn’t have much to do with buying power. A lot of people have most or all of their net worth tied up in homes or retirement accounts which are no good for buying motorcycles. Monthly disposable income plus leverage is what buys motorcycles.
Frankly a young guy with a mediocre job living with his parents probably has more disposable income than your average 40yo working stiff with a mortgage, two car payments and 2.3 kids. Said 40yo is also probably more experienced with the value of money and might be more inclined to buy that FZ09 over the FZ10 and pocket the rest for the kids’ college fund.
You could be reading that wrong. You may have 3.5x the net wealth but the Millenials have more than 3.5x earning potential. We need to hold on to our net wealth because retirement is looming and we’re running out of wage earning years. Those kids have many, many more years of jobs ahead of them and a greater potential to achieve greater than the 50th percentile than us old folks who have been in the 50th percentile our whole life.
Bob you make no sense. Kids like sportbikes (just look at the entry level bikes), if Yamaha wanted to attract a younger crowd they’d make this thing look sporty. I wish they had!
This is just a bad and ugly design, for any age!
Your opinion doesn’t reflects the facts displayed by sales figures. Therefore…
What sales figures are those Bob? In 2012 here in the US, the average age of new motorcycle purchasers was 47 and Harley commanded the market share. Volume has improved from the lowly 500k the US sold through back then, but I’m guessing that the demographics still look pretty similar.
As others have pointed out, the young men that this look targets don’t have the money to buy it, assuming that young men today are even interested in motorcycling in the first place.
I’m sure they’ll sell tens of them here…
Millenials only need to qualify for a loan to buy a bike. They don’t need a huge stockpile of cash, a house or a 401k, just a good enough credit score to buy a $12,000 bike. Sure, their interest rate might be outrageous, but remember when you were young (think hard) you did a few reckless things that your 55-65 year old self would never do…like buy something you really can’t afford. I do not agree with the credit buying mindset but that’s the “American way.”
BTW- It’s not the looks that deters me from buying this bike. It’s the performance level this bike offers that is rather useless outside of a racetrack. Riding a fast bike slow ain’t much fun.
re: “like it or not kids, the demographic you are in is aging out – and thus your opinions matter less with each passing day.”
aw man.
Get off my lawn while you backtalk like that.
That said, I have a lowly FZ6. I’d love an upgrayedd (mainly susp/brakes, motor wouldn’t actually hurt) but point being it is still pretty fast, does what I need it to do (commuting etc) but a) calling a bike without a fairing an FZ is a fail on Yamaha’s part, b) going this far sideways on styling is terrible, c) variations on the adv theme like the current FJ’s ain’t it either.
As such, I’m reasonably sure, as noted by many here, that this bike may be amazing and address many things on my wish list above, but sacrificing some practicality and obviously going from a decent-looking bike to BARF! (not in here, Mister…). I think the gist is most motorcyclists still riding are looking for practicality and actually good style in their rides – look at sales for BMW which are hardly cheap for example. Triumph also seems to be getting it, for the most part….
If new riders are the target, then why don’t all the 250-500 class bikes look like this? Most of those are actually pretty tasteful, good-looking bikes.
Look up the MT-03, a bike that is selling decently in EU/UK, or the smaller MT-125, a learner-class machine doing well.
I’ll wait.
2 examples vs the overall majority – you’ll be waiting awhile.
Bob’s right. I opine. You aren’t in the market for a bike like this anyhow.
Of course i’m right, i’ve been doing this whole ‘motorcycle industry thing’ for the last dozen years or so. I’d like to think i know what i’m talking about.
Appreciate the support!
I’m continually amazed these days by the number of bikes that I would absolutely HAVE to buy RIGHT FREAKING NOW, were they not so damn goofy-looking. This bike is a perfect example of this phenomenon. By all accounts the FZ-10 has every meaningful box ticked, in terms of the “perfect” upright standard street bike: motor, chassis, brakes, street-wise suspension, throttle response, ergos, safety equipment, convenience features…everything. In order for me not to buy this thing, Yamaha would have to go out of their way to make it unsellable, by some other means.
Once again, they (along with most every other manufacturer) did just that. They went out of their way to make this thing so stupid-looking that I just can’t swing it. The bike is supposedly so good that even the most forgettable milquetoast styling job would have been enough, but no, for some reason they had to go and give it the most narrowly focused comic-book styling imaginable. The target market for that sort of styling is so age/media culture specific, and, like so many have already noted, it’s a demographic that mostly cannot afford to purchase and insure such a machine, and so the bikes languish on showroom floors.
Why keep doing this to yourselves, Japan, Inc?
As Christopher Moore’s ‘Kona’ character is wont to say, this is some serious “heinous *uckery.”
«In order for me not to buy this thing, Yamaha would have to go out of their way to make it unsellable, by some other means.»
Well said sir, I feel exactly the same way. I want to like it but just can’t. Sorry Yamaha but you are losing a long time customer.
Yep, this quote made my morning as well.
For bikes that “languish on showroom floors,” they certainly seem to sell out fast. I guess Yamaha is buying them back to keep up appearances, do you think?
I haven’t been to a dealer anywhere in California that didn’t have multiple FZ-10s still sitting there, along with loads of heavily discounted 2015 FZ-09s.
I don’t see these things selling out fast. I see them being given away by any means possible, and still they gather dust.
Every time I drive by the Chevy dealer, they have dozens of Silverado pickups sitting on the lot. I guess nobody’s buying those things…
Dozens of deeply discounted, previous model-year leftovers?
Yes. Those, too.
as I said before my dealer got one when they were first released and it’s still sitting on his floor (I saw it again yesterday). He tells me no one is even looking at it.
Unattractive. Really unattractive. B-King unattractive. Ask Suzuki how that turned out.
B-King at least looked finished…
Good point dt 175.
This is beyond B-King… It’s Foo-King!
Sorry, just felt extra old, and extra cranky while sitting in my easy chair..
I’m glad to see you are testing this bike. I’ve been eyeing the FZ-10 in touring form against a Versys 1000, which I know is one of your favorite bikes. FZ-10 has accoutrements available for short distance touring or commuting which is the limits of my riding. I’m leaning towards the Versys for comfort and ease of use, but FZ-10 for the lightness, power, and cool sounding motor. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on it’s overall comfort and usability as compared to a jack of all trades like the V1k. I know the Versys will be a better mile-eater, but how much better is the question (I don’t care about the 120mile range) and how is it on a daily basis when I’m not feeling like Johnny-racer. Thanks
re: “cool sounding motor”
in your face Honda and your ancient VFR, GDC is for tossers…!!! (new age Millenial beatnik flashes peace sign using surfer pinky/thumb method)
I have owned numerous Yamahas and currently own a gen 2 FZ1 which with a few mods is comfortable, handles well, has reasonable wind protection, looks good and is plenty fast enough for me. Not perfect but there is no way that I would “upgrade” to something as hideous as this….
Personally I think it looks great in black on Yamaha’s website. I’m afraid if I go look at one I’ll go home with another surprise for the wife…lol.
While a percentage of young Americans like this sort of styling, I think it is fair to say that many do not. From the comments routinely seen here, it is also fair to say most middle and upper middle aged Americans don’t care for it either. I wonder if Japan will ever figure that out?
As someone said above, the demographic that would tend to be drawn to this type of bike probably doeesn’t contain a lot of people who have the disposable income to make ownership a reality. I don’t love the FZ-09 or FZ-07 styling, but it’s hard to overlook their price for performance value, and if I happened to be in the market for that type of bike, I would be willing to look past the styling. It becomes more difficult to overlook styling as the price rises. More importantly, to many people styling is everything. The Japanese manufacturers surely wonder why many of their offerings don’t sell in American shops. Who are they relying on to educate them about American’s tastes?
It is much more frustrating riding a fast bike slow (as modern road conditions, traffic volume and law enforcement seem to demand) than to ride a slow(er) bike fast. Especially when the on-off throttle action ruins the handling and drains your wallet. The best roads are mountain curves, and any bike from 650cc to 900cc will do the job to full satisfaction. The liter plus jobs are for where the road straightens out in long lines. That hardly ever happens here in New Zealand, we are all mountains. There, I think I have tamped down any remaining enthusiasm for mind-bending acceleration to the horizon. Now I can just carry on, with no lingering yearning for what is admittedly a hideous beast of a bike.
I want to, but I just can’t do it, this bike is too far off the reservation of what I consider acceptable looking. I routinely open my garage door just to look at my bikes, (because they look awesome) – I can’t imagine wanting to look at this thing. Blind people would shriek in horror touching this bike. And I am a Yamaha owner/fan thru and thru, but damn….
YAMATRON!! run for yours lives (or at least, to preserve your eyesight, do not stare directly at it!)
Saw one of these (or an FZ09, or another Yamatron) in the showroom, and it is amazing the amount of screws and extra plastic panels that were added for no reason but styling. Maybe they could just be Power-washed away and it would look better. Not as bad of a Stinkbug rear end, but just like the Kawasaki “nakeds”, just too polarizing for me to buy the awesome performance these newest machines are possessing!!
Anyone care to chime in and try to explain the $4,000 difference between this and the FZ-09? And more than that between this bike and a new Kawasaki Z-900? Seems like a huge difference for a bunch of plastic bits and horse power that most would consider overkill, and mostly unusable on public streets.
This bike is a premium superbike with more sophisticated “everything” than the other two, which are value focused bikes designed to the razor’s edge of profit margin (steel frames, simple suspension/brakes).
From one of the launch articles: “This is not a “stripper” model, as it arrives with several R1 features, such as traction control, adjustable engine modes and even cruise control. Fully adjustable fork and shock are included, as well as ABS brakes.”
Read more here: http://www.motorcycledaily.com/2016/06/yamaha-launches-fz-10-into-u-s-market-for-2017/
This bike is starting to grow on me. At first I couldn’t stand the lego look. But with the optional windshield installed, it looks decent. And you certainly can’t argue with the performance.
The udder lives!!!
YAMAHA LISTEN UP. Let me repeat – LISTEN. Many people who post on Motorcycledaily have ridden for a very long time and have had much experience in, around, and on motorcycles. You are getting for the most part, very solid, mature, FREE advice and recommendations here. I myself have ridden since 1973, and had more bikes than all my fingers and toes – and many others here have ridden longer and have owned had many more bike than I.
I believe that any general consensus here on MD is certainly worth noting. If there are any higher up Yamaha brass reading this, become a hero to countless motorcyclists out here and send your boss the link to MD. In using the FZ-10 for a perfect example, PLEASE for the love of torque – STOP with the transformer look! I’m not saying you should stop building and selling the current transformer for those who like that look, but if you could use that same frame, motor platform and build an additional FZ-10 version that leaned more towards a classic superbike, (just an example), or something less Matchbox toy-ish, I would stand in line to buy one. I understand that we all have our style preferences, and it is foolish to speak for everyone, but (for me) a ZRX type style on that FZ platform, or something generally of the sort, would be outstanding. I believe when a manufacturer moves into cutting edge territory, it can be very beneficial, but most motorcyclists I know, make choices and spend their money on bikes that invoke some kind of passion within them. The litmus test for me is – when I walk away from my bike in a parking lot, do I turn around for a quick glance, and say to myself, “…what a cool bike”. Just food for thought Yamaha.
To the MD crew and regulars on the board, have a great day – love seeing and hearing from you all every time.
A well thought out reasonable request.
You make me laugh.
I guess when you get to “a certain age”, you feel compelled to mention it, so here goes: I’m 65. I bought my FZ-10 about eight weeks ago. Since we have had a mild winter (if you can even call it that) down here, I have been able to push mine through some tight and twisty roads, giving me the opportunity to test its performance. The big FZ is easier to ride quicker on challenging roads than any of my other motorcycles. A few mods made it even better and more responsive, so I am an enthusiastic owner. By the way, the cruise control is terrific.
Looks like too many “super standards”. Few, if any, options for someone who wants an all day capable bike, that can also have some soft luggage for a week long trip. Too bad Moto Guzzi doesn’t have a valid litre sized LeMans. I’m not a big Beener guy, but the R1200R, which I rode on an edelweiss tour, starts to make some sense. It is devoid of character, but pulls well with the new water engine. Really, is this where we’re headed??
I really want a reason to replace my trusty 65k mile 2001 FZ1. This FZ-10 is certainly not the reason. In fact, I may be stuck in 2001 for ever since I can’t get past a bike with plastic parts screwed to the tank just to increase the ugly factor which is apparently the standard now. I’m glad they made so many FZ1’s and they have terrible resale value these days. I can just buy a relatively fresh one and have another 15 years of trouble free service. Perhaps a 2003 with Bumble Bee paint…
The FZ10 has a way better motor in terms of how the engine fires. I’ll take the crossplane over my 02 motor any day. I sold my FZ because I needed the money but it really seemed like it wanted to keep shifting to sixth as fast as possible. I would say the motor got busy feeling very quickly in the rev range. Nice looking machine though. Heavy!
It reminds me of the Suzuki Boost King.
The Suzuki B-King set the standard for unattractive motorcycles.
Just imagine the sales numbers if Suzuki had made a beautifully styled motorcycle instead of that monstrosity.
And now for the troll…this bike is way better looking than the Z900…yeah its a transformer, but a transformer I wouldn’t feel silly on. Plus, passenger accommodations seem ‘reasonable’. Any for those who wish for more room in the garage, I have plenty of room, but a ‘one bike’ clause grandfathered into my marriage..so that one bike better be versatile..
Coming from a guy who places little value on the looks of a machine, I simply cannot get past the looks of this machine. When I look at the front of this thing I want to gag. Such a shame, the performance of this bike sounds really exciting.
I realize the styling of a bike is purely subjective and motorcycling stylist have only so much canvas to work with, it is after all a pretty small object that they try to draw attention to. Yamaha (or any other bike maker) is correct in assuming that the looks of a machine may be the number 1 objective for many buyers, a lot of people simply need to stand out in the crowd, but I cant help but think they missed the mark with this one. I wish they would tone it down a few notches.
This bike’s looks just gave me a case of the Mondays
An FJ-10 would indeed be awesome. Unless cam/timing/tuning tweaks can net it 35-40 mpg, it would need a 6 gallon gas tank as the FZ’s have been low 30’s.
There are tons of smaller displacement bikes in Europe and especially Asia, so the Transformer look can appeal to huge numbers of non Americans. I always say, start with just the motor and a frame and wheels. Add a gas tank and a seat. Done. But I like this bike and the KAW Z900 as well. Realistically, on most roads I am tawdling along CB1100 style on any bike.
I was hoping this new FZ-10 would be the replacement for my beloved first gen FZ1 (which is still a fantastic bike BTW, even by today’s standards).
But no, for a motorcycle I’m not ready to settle for ugly, not matter how good this bike is, and I heard it’d pretty good, it’s just plain ugly, busy looking and has way too much plastic.
I’m disappointed and not sure where Yamaha is going with this «transformer» thing. I presume they must have pass this through focus groups and expect positive impact on sales. I have my doubts tough and I wouldn’t be surprised to see an update before too long, just like what Kawasaki did with their Versys.
To be fair I’ve been struggling to find what I want with other companies as well (looking for sporty in looks and feel but comfortable with some wind protection and a center stand).
So I will wait a bit more, hopefully Yamaha will surprise us all with a cosmetic update or better yet with an FJ 10!
re: “I’m disappointed and not sure where Yamaha is going with this «transformer» thing”
Cybertron, helllooo.
FJ09. Nice machine. Saw one this past weekend. Looks are subjective. What naked superbike looks good these days? I would not have thought of this look but it actually looks good in person.
An FJ -10 Would be awesome !! I would buy one for sure , maybe some day
Yamaha makes a touring windshield and a set of semi soft bags for it.
You can get one in the UK
Please comment on the range over miles. Owner boards seem to regularly complain the bike gets significantly less than other super nakeds, roughly 28-32mpg or less.
That’s why I have a CB500F. Power is fuel and air. To get the fueling to work nice and smooth, you don’t want it cutting out on and off throttle like so many bikes these days. I had an 02 and it was not sipping gas.
Unfortunately, just about any engine with a very high-performance tune (especially without VVT) is going to be inefficient at modest power settings. This is a superbike with high handlebars.
re: “Owner boards seem to regularly complain”
there’s a shocker.
I would have killed for this bike 7 or 8 years ago when I rode my first cross plane engined R-1. Great power, better sound, but lousy ergos. This solves the ergo problems but keeps that sweet motor. It is like a super version of my Gen 1 Yamaha FZ-1 which was a great bike. Unfortunately or fortunately Honda brought out the CB 1100 and I bought one of those instead (and love it).
I thought this would be a big seller, but my local dealer got one in when they first came out and it’s still sitting on the floor with no one showing any interest at all, which doesn’t make sense to me. It has gotten great reviews by every tester. If I was still in my 50’s instead of in my late 60’s I’d be all over one of these, despite the headlight and yellow wheels lol.
The demographic wanting the hottest of the hot nakeds, aren’t mainly the ones with enough work experience to be in a position to pay for neither the bikes nor their insurance.
BMW and Duc are a bit different, since they have cultivated a “premium dealership experience” through and through, and are explicitly targeting buyers with the demonstrated financial ability to already have 6 other expensive bikes in their garage. Beyond those, even the all-review-conquering Superdukes and Tuonos, end up sitting on the floor until they are moved to the discount bin.
The dead center of the HiPo naked market is the FZ-09. Beyond that, it’s more manufacturer bragging rights and we-can-do, than actual sales.
And FZ-09s gather dust like crazy in Yamaha showrooms. More than any other Tuning Fork model, you’re sure to see three or four leftover FZ-09s taking up space in most every Yamaha dealership.
There’s 4 fresh new ones at my dealer. Same with FZ07’s. Seem to be selling ok in my corner of the Midwest.
There are fresh new ones in dealerships here, as well, sitting right alongside an equal number of unsold, heavily-discounted 2015 and 2016 models.
That photo does not look real, ergo stunning paintwork.
But I did not like it when I finally saw one inthe flesh.
It’s not aimed at me anyhow .
O.K. I’ll start-I like the seat and the wheels.
Agree, I’ve seen much worse. For the Omy’goshme, Buggey’edstuffus, Pouncingbuttfer, or whatever they call the style, this is not too over the top. Wish we didn’t have to deal with that, but I might consider getting one. Would not take a pic and add to my collection of past bikes though. I do not have to look at it while riding it. Seems competent enough.