The Damon Hypersport is an electric motorcycle that comes out of a Canadian company, Damon Motorcycles. The production version of the bike was displayed at the CES Show in Las Vegas earlier this week – receiving a CES Best of Innovation award in the Vehicle Intelligence & Transportation category.
As you will see in the videos below, the Hypersport promises impressive, advanced safety features, known collectively as CoPilot. CoPilot utilizes radar, multiple cameras and other sensors, together with Artificial Intelligence, which Damon claims can track the speed and direction of up to 64 moving objects near the bike at any time.

Perhaps more impressive than the safety features are the adjustable ergonomics. Referred to as Shift by Damon, the system will allow riders to change ergonomics, including windscreen, seat, footpegs and handlebar positions at the push of a button (even while moving). The shorter video below features a CES show model demonstrating the Shift ergonomic adjustments.
In addition to all these features, Damon is promising quite spectacular performance, including a 200 mph top speed from a 200 horsepower (150 kW) motor, and a “highway range” of 200 miles!

The standard Hypersport retails for $24,995, while a limited-edition model (25 units) is $40,000. Have a look at the two videos below:

See more of MD’s great photography:

A target market should so obviously include youth. They are the future to our diminishing sport. The maintenance would be nil. Power modes adjustable with seat time & increasing experience. There are parents who are actually sick & tired of video games, sodas & cheetoes. There are go cart tracks all throughout this country largely unused. How about an American Manufacturer?
A very small percentage of parents want their kids to be on a motorcycle whether ICE or electric. They care not whether it’s on a track or on the street. Also, how are kids of today going to afford an electric bike costing over 20K unless mommy and daddy buy it for them?
Useful range perspective. All my past ICE motorcycles had pre reserve ranges of 110 to 140 miles. My recreational only, day rides seldom exceeded 300 miles and included at least one fuel stop and a couple food / sight seeing stops which would use up the daylight. Maybe 70 percent of the total day was seat and handlebar time. If an E-bike had a 200 mile open road range and a single charge stop could be found, one could still spend most of the day riding, assuming maybe 1 to 2 hour charge time concurrent with food intake and/or satisfying road side interests. If a peep did not want to recharge, the out bound distance must be a little less than the home bound leg, which is not a day ride. Gotta add that I have always advised newbies to not use a motorcycle for transportation, only fun. The transportation function includes hazards that a fun ride seldom have, such as weather go/ no go issues , feeling sharp and fit verses another day at the office, and urban congestion verses getting away to the country. IMO.
Any body know of published charge stations ?
Maybe efficiencies and advancement in manufacturing like 3D printing can bridge the gap until battery technology improves. New design forms and lighter weight may help extend the range.
A way to power an electric car without the use of batteries has to be developed. Until then, they should not even be considered for use on the massive scale that is proposed.
Full scale slot cars. Just sayin
They’re ready right now. The number of people who require more that 100mi/day for the majority of their use is a very small portion of the market. If people were honest with themselves about how they really use transportation and made purchasing decisions based on that, we’d already be well on our way.
Or, we recognize the specific model advantages of electric and design, build, market around that. Instead of being 2-3 vehicle households, we become 0-2 vehicle households for the modes we really need and share/rent the others as needed/desired.
A household with a daily electric maximizes the longevity and takes advantage of the energy density oftheir ICE by using the electric for the shorter, in-town daily rides and the ICE longer highway trips.
Some interesting comments so far. I don’t know who exactly electric motorcycle manufacturers are targeting, but I am probably among them. Despite above-average knowledge of IC engines and much experience rebuilding and hopping up single cylinder two-strokes and four-strokes, I don’t think I would miss them.
If ever there is a true off-road bike under 300 lbs that can go 50 – 60 miles of hard riding in my kind of terrain, I’ll buy it. 200 miles from a battery is indeed the magic number for a street bike (for my needs anyway.) 123.4 miles is the longest distance between charge points along one of my favorite routes, and that kind of range would actually handle most of my rides on a single charge.
That said, I think the 200 mile “highway” range claim from a 20kwh battery just isn’t feasible. Energica claims 112 highway miles out of their 21.5kwh pack. I believe the Energica weighs around 600 lbs as well, which makes Damon’s weight spec seem a bit dubious as well. I just get the feeling Damon is more hype that reality right now, but I’d love to be wrong.
Maybe, like Ducati, dry weight is without fuel, fork or engine oil, brake fluid, or the battery…
I agree, 200 miles would be a sweet spot. Most of my days riding are between 100 and 150 miles. Although I love riding, I’m not one of the guys with various worn out and discolored all-weather riding suits, bugs in my teeth, and half a million miles of experience. I won’t be buying another motorcycle until a good electric option exists. When the day comes, I will be very excited. Everything so far is a novelty.
so is Evan the perfect target customer or what?
How old are you Evan, and how many bikes have you had? Just curious.
I am not a Harley or other type cruiser rider. I have always heard Harley riders talk about how the metric cruisers don`t deliver the essence of the ride that a Harley does. Looking at the electric motorcycle I now understand what they were talking about.
“essence of the ride that a Harley does”
Gulpin’ the kool aid.
The color should be a kind of rose
None of the volume manufacturers have succeeded in enticing new riders into the sport by providing interesting, affordable motorcycles, AND then making a sustained effort to keep buyers engaged (dealers also) for years afterward. It seems the ICE motorcycle industry has devolved into a sales/performance war. The industry and media has convinced many new potential riders they will only be happy with bikes they can’t really afford, and likely don’t need and won’t use. Everyone knows of someone with a low mileage larger motorcycle in their garage, sometimes years old with even multiple previous owners. Inattention to these issues I feel will have far reaching consequences.
If the electric motorcycle is expected to lure that “next generation” of riders, I have my doubts. The ICE has provided endless joy, satisfaction, and of course disappointment, and it is easy to become enamoured with their personalities and particular character. A BE motorcycle? I really would like to know how manufacturers will differentiate their products. I’m an outlier, I have owned nothing but Blackberry phones (Key2 now), but now being Android, my next phone could be any brand. I fear a “cellular motorcycle” will be of little enduring appeal to buyers, especially if you have to buy it from a kiosk in a mall, or online. Perhaps sites like this will become the new “motorcycle clubs”!
I recently spoke with the son of a friend whose family were hard core recreational riders/racers, and asked him if he was riding. “No” was his answer, and after questioning, said the”barriers” of cost and safety steer him and other young people away.
Lots to be done to save this industry in North America.
Great point about the character of electric cycles. I think the differentiating points will be style and features, because you’re right, a 100kw motor is a 100kw motor. ICE engines are a lot like musical instruments, and demand a certain art to their application.
“a 100kw motor is a 100kw motor.”
They’re far more tune-able than that, and with software. Features like traction and wheelie control will be so much more accurate because of how controllable power can be controlled and manipulated electronically.
To your musical instrument analogy – an electric guitar is wood with (usually) an electromagnetic pickup device emitting a fairly simple electronic signal. Now think of the expansive range of sounds musicians have produced with that simple device and manipulation of that signal.
just can’t wait until every vehicle on the planet is equipped with “Radar” so we will stop getting killed from traffic collisions…just too bad that we’ll start dropping off even more rapidly of cancer from all the safety “Radar” transmitters. oh well, wont it be fun though.
Sleep well then because luckily radars don’t cause cancer. Only ionizing radiation (Gamma, X-rays, ultraviolet) do that.
BeatriceKiddo… not true.
It does not: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html. This is a reputable source.
The reason being that ANY form of cancer comes from DNA mutations, whether for errors during duplications, X-ray, etc.. Radio waves do not cause DNA breakage and mutations (by a long long shot), so the current evidence tells us that they DO NOT cause cancer (correlation is not causation). To give you an example, the wavelength of radio F is ~1m, and the X-ray 10-10. Is would the equivalent of saying that $1 has the same “effect” than $10billions (I admit that for Jeff Bezos this is probably true)
OK, thanks.
They will continue to improve all aspects of electric vehicles but they won’t wait for electrics to match all ice vehicle parameters before legislating electric vehicles into the mainstream and ice vehicles out to pasture. At that point it won’t matter if you think electrics are too costly or not.
The reasons why all of these electric startups go high-end is:
1) They are following the road map of Tesla where the proof of concept is born through performance and financed through rich, early adopters
2) The economics of motorcycles in small batches favors the high-end
3) High-performance buys more free publicity than other tiers
It will trickle down to a sub 10K modestly-powered higher-range bike..just not for another few years
Hi all,
The “electric” motor is merely the foundation of intelligent cities and intelligent transport. Let me try to explain my thoughts:
– Intelligence in motorcycling is starting to develop more rapidly and rider assist is going to happen (whether we like it or not) in the future.
– Integration into the “intelligent transport grid” is going to happen (and yes, our vehicles will be monitored and tracked) for the greater good of human kind
– Green energy is here to STAY and traditional motors will ultimately be replaced – the day of the “gazoline” engine is dying – movies like “Demolition Man” is happening and will happen.
– “Range” as we call it, is going to improve but at the same time it will become a luxury.
– Fact – motorcycle racing is struggling in Aus and the US – categories are merging to ensure grids are full. Fact – sales are down. Fact – police are heavy on motorcyclists (especially here in Aus – not sure about the US). Fact – pricing for motorcycles are going through the roof. What does this mean – its a Luxury that is going to become more expensive, more strangled and more challenged.
What am I getting to – (in my view) – accept that change is happening. Accept that electric will take over. Accept that pricing will go through the roof. For us traditionalists, the world is shrinking. COnnected is the future (I dont like it), but it is the future.
Mitch, all valid points in your analysis. Additional point, motorcyclists, in general are a dying breed. I own two bikes, both Kawasaki, Ninja 400 and Versys 650. Hope to ride through my 70s, especially with the introduction of the Alpinestars Tech-Air 5, which will be purchased later this year. But millennials have other interests and options to choose from. Electric bikes are the future, whether you believe in climate change or not. I’ve always believed in the KISS philosophy. A simple electric motor and battery beats 1-6 pistons moving up and down in unison with values opening and closing. A very complex system that has served us well for over 150 years.
Here’s a tip. Save yourself a lot of money and practice being a faster rider on the bike you have. I guarantee you there is still plenty of untapped potential in your SV650 or whatnot and you will still never be the fastest person ever possible on it.
If it lives up to the 200 highway miles claim, that’s pretty impressive. That would have to be a massive battery though.
I’d bet money that those specs are total bullshit and vaporware. Anything can be claimed in a press release. First of all, range is bullshit. Zero Motorcycles claims 90 miles with a 14.4 kWh battery. This thing has a 21.5 kWh battery, so the range will be 135 miles, not 200 miles. Second – weight. There is no way that an electric motorcycle with a 21.5 kWh battery will weigh less than 400 lbs.
This is a nice fairytale that might help the company get more investors, but the actual bike will not have these specs. At least not both the range and the weight at the same time.
I do not believe in fairy tales either, but am hopeful in the constant advance of ideas. There have been 2 mentions by Damon of specs regarding weight, one is 440 lbs and the other is less than 500 pounds. I believe the latter.
Interestingly they said the battery/batterys are liquid cooled. If the motor is also, there may be a new capability in town. Just wishing.
Still too rich for me, and I DO NOT NEED 200mph.
I have worked at CES. Think of a CES award as paid advertising and little else.
right up there with JD Power crap awards.
The importance of this Damon effort is the possibility of a reasonable range, everything else is an operators elective. The only real fly in the pudding, is the price. Hopefully potential riders from the sport bike set will buy into the special performance offered by electric motors to lower the production cost with increasing sales.
Looks really nice. With those features, it gets on the list of bikes I’d like in my stable. I agree that adjustable ergonomics of some sort should be standard on most bikes, especially footpegs. Changing it at the press of a button goes one step beyond!
Just too much money.
0 to 60 in under 3 secs, 200 mile range and 200 mph top end. They are definitely getting there.
I’m holding out for 0-60 in less than 1 second, 300mph and 1000 mile range. I guess that is the goal of motorcyclists?!? I can hardly use most of the performance of my 690 Duke and I never had to change the ergonomics on my K75S.
That’s a good point, Todd. Somehow the manufacturers of electric bikes believe that we all want more horsepower than is usable by even the most capable riders. 200 mph is useless on the street as is 0-60 in less than 3 seconds.
First, an affordable price with reasonable performance and 200 mile range would be a good start. None of them seem to be listening. This latest offering is Hayabusa performance @ $25-$40 thousand. If I wanted to go that fast I’d just buy a used Hayabusa for $6,000. Until they match ICE bikes with comparable performance, range, price along with handsome aesthetics I’ll look elsewhere for my thrills. It’s gonna be a long wait.
They have to strive towards those kinds of numbers for respectability
If this bike weighed 550 pounds, went 0-60 in 5 seconds, made the equivalent of 85 hp, went 120 miles on a charge and hit 110 mph top speed, people would laugh at it, especially at the offering price.
A new Zero for 10 grand less makes more than respectable numbers, but hardly anyone even wants to look at them ..they want more.. more.. more. It would take more than equal numbers with an ice bike to get anyone to step up and buy them.
BTW I believe that the bike shown makes more than better numbers than my sons MT-10 Yamaha which cost about $14K. Faster, lighter weight, will go much further on a single charge than his will on a single tank of gas. The big difference is charge time for the batteries.
Rare is the guy that will ride this type of bike more than 300 miles in a day. heck the “average motorcyclist” is lucky to ride 3000 miles in a year.
Mickey, oh Mickey… range. It is very typical for actual range to be somewhere around 75-80% of what is quoted. Now divide that in half – that’s as far as you can ride before you must immediately turn around and head home. With the MT-10, you roll into a gas station, slip your card into the pump and two minutes later you continue your journey, farther away from home.
Im aware of that todd. So in your mind there is no range that would be acceptable for an EV, since you will never be able to pull into a station slip in your card and pull out with a full charge in 2 minutes.
I ride on average 24,000 miles a year since I retired in 2013. Still my average daily ride is 80 miles. Less than that if you drop the 2 or 3 out of state trips I take where I might average 300 miles a day. An EV with 100 mile true range would cover the majority of my riding.(just not the trips)
Last year was my worst year since retiring and I did 20,400 miles in 291 days of riding. Do the math. (yes I have kept a detailed daily log since 2006.. which bike, miles per day ridden, weather, and where I went if important)
I think most motorcyclists have a very inflated idea on how many miles they ride and you can tell by looking at the odos on their bikes. 4 or 5 year old bikes with 20,000k on the odo tells the true story.
Motorcyclists dont need the range they think they need.
I only put 1,000 miles a month on my bikes so electrics also make sense for me (though I don’t want one). Many people that buy motorcycles don’t buy them as their daily primary vehicle. It is these people that like to take the bikes out only occasionally for joy rides, meet up with a group of other riders. Whenever I’ve done that, it’s pretty typical to put 300 miles on a Saturday group ride. Sure, these people only put 3,000 miles a year on their bike but they only rode it ten times that year. The bigger/ more powerful the bike, the less likely it is used for daily errands and commuting. Electrics seem only suitable to this task, not the uber-powerful weekend warrior type.
mickey, I love a well-reasoned and well-stated argument, even if I come to different conclusions. Recognizing that this thread has whiskers, I understand if you don’t respond. My questions are regarding your riding records. 1) What was the number & percentage of times you purchased fuel more than 5 miles from home? 2) How many times (#/%) did you purchase fuel more than once in a day? 3) What was the # & % of days that you exceeded 150 miles?
The answers to those questions would be a lot more informative in assessing the practicality of an E-bike than the simple average of 80 miles per day.
Thanks for your kind attention.
I really believe the key to longer range is going to be aerodynamics. Aero drag costs lots of energy, no matter if it’s fuel or electrons. This bike looks to have the aero package of a standard sport bike. If they’re going to change the aero game, potential buyers are going to need to accept something that looks very different (think about the reception of the Suzuki Hyabusa).
Damn, the K75 was an under rated prince of a bike. I’d take one any day over any K100 (too buzzy and heavy).
So when is Akrapovic coming out with a sound module? Joke. Or maybe not.
If I see one more electric bike review my head is going to explode. Nobody is interested especially at these prices. And nobody is buying. Range and charge times are a reality.
Maybe in ten years or so but until then…
These many comments on the price and range of EVs are understood. But, one has to understand that EVs have been around for a very short time. IC engines are over 150 years old. Being an old timer, remember the removal of tetraethyl lead from gasoline. Engine tuneups increased from 15,000 to 100,000 miles. Living in Idaho, I drove to Utah to test drive a Tesla. Was very impressed especially with the complete package execution. My daughter lives in New Hampshire. Within a few minutes the car programmed my route with the locations of where to change. No where did I have to wait any longer than 30 minutes to keep moving. Solid state batteries with a higher charge density are around 5 years away. I am committed to EVs, putting down a deposit on the Rivian truck. Need the versatility a truck provides.
Your history is way off. Electric cars came out in the very early 1900’s, right along with gasoline and steam automobiles. While each had their fans, gasoline won out easily and decisively. One hundred years ago, the problem with steam and electric was cost and reange. Unsurprisingly, EV’s still have those two major issues. Without government interference (ie force from the barrel of a gun), EV’s would/will continue to be a minor niche market in the real world of transportation.
I have been asking for a bike with adjustable ergonomics for years, even maually adjustable.
This takes it to the next level.
I would hope other manufacturers are listening
I’m most impressed with the variable ergonomics. I want a sport bike sometimes, but sometimes not, and this gives the rider that option.
Perfect adjustment to coincide with power mode selection, Sport or Eco.
Now, do I want the $25,000 model or the $40,000 Limited Edition? Sounds like they’ve sat in too many Harley marketing meetings.
Wow…very impressive bike…even has hi-tech ceramic brake rotors!
I wouldn’t take it even if it was free. I just can’t connect with electric motors for some reason. The electric motor has its purpose for sure in many applications, but typically utility, such as powerful electric motors in locomotives (diesel-electric).
I build and fly model airplanes as a hobby and enjoy the satisfaction of tinkering with petrol and methanol powered miniature engines. I have no interest in the electric motor powered model airplane, they just do not appeal to me, at all.
I love cycling and have given electric assist bicycles a good try, and I can say that I enjoyed the experience. But, I still prefer overall the experience of riding a fine steel framed racing bike or a well constructed city bicycle.
As I get older I will likely purchase an electric assist bicycle, but I doubt very much that I will trade any of my traditional motorbikes for an electric motorbike.
While I love the sound & feel of my V4, I think we’re close to seeing an electric riding experience that cannot be matched by ICE engine power. Perfect traction & wheelie control at resolutions we’ve never seen and a connection between the right hand and the rear tire that we haven’t imagined yet, without the nuisance of a shifter & clutch (it will seem like a nuisance afterwards).
I know many performance car enthusiasts who completely changed their views the first time they drove a Tesla. I think there’s more opportunities to innovate on the motorcycle experience than the car’s.
Gearheads will always be gearheads and electric motor powered vehicles will always take a back seat to ICE machines. If there was ever a machine without “soul”, it’s an electric car or bike.
I realize that the future is electric, even if it’s a move that’s politically motivated and possibly a move in the wrong direction. We have ICE cars that go over 250,000 miles (not uncommon) before needing any major work and actually produce emissions that clean up the air as they move through the city.
They do it while costing way less than most electric vehicles.
Let’s not let politics ruin the entire country. Let’s use common sense before jumping onto the next major change in society.
“ We have ICE cars that go over 250,000 miles (not uncommon) before needing any major work and actually produce emissions that clean up the air as they move through the city.”
Wow. Where in the world did you come up with this? If this car existed, we’d never have heard of Tesla.
Here ya go –
Also, remember where you’re electricity is coming from, gas-powered turbines that generate electricity that is sent to your wall socket. This would make the P-ZEV vehicle a cleaner burning vehicle by quite a margin.
Here ya go –
Also, remember where you’re electricity is coming from: gas-powered turbines that generate electricity that you get from your wall socket. This would make the P-ZEV vehicle a cleaner burning vehicle by quite a margin.
If your power is coming from a coal fired power plant, your ev is still cleaner than an ICE vehicle by virtue of the coal plant’s much higher thermal efficiency and the much smaller amount of energy that an EV uses.
That article was written in 2004 and I’m guessing you missed the correction in the sidebar:
“Material: Correction
Car emissions — A column in last week’s Highway 1 section about the Ford Focus PZEV vehicle said that vehicles qualifying as partial zero-emission vehicles produce less emissions than electric vehicles. While PZEV vehicles can be as clean as hybrid gas-electric vehicles, pure electrics are cleaner.”
The article is also riddled with claims that have since proven a little shaky. I sure don’t see many Ford Focus from that era running around.
I think motorcycles are a much tougher nut to crack than cars. Bikes don’t have the underfloor area to store the 1500 lbs of batteries required for Tesla performance, which is why every EV motorcycle is unreasonably heavy when they are fast. Plus, you remove one of the reasons to ride motorcycles – the sounds during acceleration. ICE bikes are so fast now that the EV torque at zero RPMs is not a differentiating factor.
I’ve ridden electric motorcycles, driven and developed electric cars and trucks. I still prefer the feel, sound and engagement of an ICE coupled to a crisp manual transmission and linear clutch pedal. Sure, it’s easier (but not cheaper by far) to package large amounts of power in an electric power train but power is only a small fraction of the equation when trying to connect with the vehicle or envelop yourself into the driving/riding experience. It’s the same in the food industry; you like a home grilled hamburger then you should love a Double Whopper.
So wouldnt it be interesting to be a fly on the wall in the boardroom of an EV motorcycle mfg to hear exactly who their target customer is?
Apparently todd would not be (and many others here as well) but there are motorcyclists who appear to be willing to give them a try once certain limitations are met. Are these the target customer?
Then again there are many young people, who have not as much changed a tire on a car, much less changed out a camshaft. They are not in love with ICE vehicles, many having never owned one but had their parents drive them around, or taken an uber. Are they the target customer?
I like it to Honda’s DCT transmission. 10 years ago, no motorcyclist wanted one. They hot better, motorcyclists decided to give them a try, and all of a sudden several of Honda’s top sellers are DCT equipped bikes.
I also fly model planes – since 1973 – and haven’t used a damn reciprocating infernal confusion engine in one since about then. Electric power is so much easier, quieter, cleaner and these days cheaper. It certainly wasn’t in the early days. And in the same manner EV is improving in leaps and bounds. I’m absolutely not going to buy another ICE 4 wheeler and hopefully not an ICE bike (except possibly as a restoration project).
Yes, EVs will be cheaper to run, but only until the Electric power companies recognize enough sales volume to notice their existence. Rates will then skyrocket, as those companies will want their “cut”. I remember the $9.95/month initial cost for cable TV, which also promised no commercials. Those days are long gone.
If electricity went up in cost with demand then people would see their power bill increase every time a new large building went up in their district.
EV charging generally happens during periods of low demand such as mid-day and at night.
Cable TV is market priced, what the market will bear. Utilities don’t have the same price elasticity.
Though it depends where you live and the local regulations associated with energy pricing, the cost of electricity does typically rise and fall with demand. As you mention, night time is typically very low demand, and there are plenty of markets where the price of electricity is significantly lower at night than during the day (though there are also markets where the local regs force utilities to charge a flat rate regardless of time or demand.) And a large building added to the mix of a wide area served by an electrical provider would never produce enough added demand to notice an increase in cost to anyone rounding to less than five decimal places.
The addition of electric cars to the US transport structure is so gradual though that supply increase will likely keep in touch with demand increases to the point that we will never really see EVs really tax utilities.
That said, charging away from home is expensive if you don’t have free charging available. It costs about four times more per mile than gasoline to charge at a for-profit charging station.
“That said, charging away from home is expensive if you don’t have free charging available. It costs about four times more per mile than gasoline to charge at a for-profit charging station.”
I cannot find pricing anywhere close to that. I am finding estimates that show retail charging rates in downtown Chicago ($3.62 for 25 miles) against EPA national average for gasoline ($2.26 – would be much more in Metro Chicago). More expensive, yes, but along with the other gradual changes, I expect we’ll see competition drive these costs down, whether between service providers or residential rental owners who want to attract renters with EV charging options.
Meh. Looks like every other squidmobile. Ass in the air, rider in the PPP. Lots of useless electronics. 40K? Where are all the Livewire naysayers about the price of this one? No one here will buy one. No one.
IF, all of the hype is true and blue . . . hoo chee momma ! Good lookin too.
The holy grail of electrics
Did anyone else see that Ricky Brabec won the Dakar Rally? I didn’t really see much online about it, and figured it might be of interest to some other readers here.
Watched every day. I am strictly a street guy but watching these desert racers is awesome.
And with Skyler Howes and Andrew Short in 9th and tenth respectively, that’s 3 Americans in the top ten.
After the charge runs out, can I pull into a charging station and get it recharged in 5 minutes, then continue my ride? Let me know when that happens.
Apparently if it’s not DieselGP or WSB it’s not motorcycle related.
That or all the days are filled with more relevant motorcycle news.
2020 appears to be all about electric motorcycles and air bag vests. There just isn’t anything else out there.
Patience grasshopper, racing season is just around the corner.
Yes!! First USA category win in Dakar history!? This is a very BIG deal! Congrats to Ricky & Honda for this feat and unseating the 18-year domination of KTM winning the Dakar!
Looks great. Kinda like a Ducati. And that poor woman. I bet those pants cut off her circulation. Which makes me think the auto companies look like they are going in with electric cars. Who is it, Toyota owns a large percentage of Tesla? Is there any bike company that can get our imagination like Tesla. While the auto companies are dumping hybrid vehicles because of high expense and growing desire for electrics who will step up?
Nope, Toyota do not own a large percentage of Tesla. Toyota, like Honda, Nissan & Mazda seem to be rather dragging their wheels over EV. Almost certainly a mix of “can’t source batteries” and “don’t want to Osborne their ICE ranges”.
Hyundai on the other hand seems to be rather serious about it. VW make big noises to try to cover up the rumbling detritus of DieselGate but despite showing some nice concept models they aren’t delivering. Ford and GM… well they are doing what they always do and I can’t see any reason to care.
Hold your breath. Volkswagen has been selling more vehicles than any other manufacturer in the world so they will make a huge impact on the sales of electric vehicles (if people actually want to buy electric vehicles). Besides, if VW does not drop their average emissions below 2018 levels by 2021, they will be fined 10 billion dollars a year in the US until they do. That’s a tough one in the US where people only buy trucks and SUVs. For VWOA, it’s do or die as there are much bigger markets to cater to. If the US doesn’t start buying more electric cars, VWs in particular, they’ll just leave!
We found a headstone named “Livewire”. It was an enormously deep grave filled with what appeared to be hundreds of frames and motors stamped with HD…..any historians out there that can help with this?
Are you sure they weren’t fossilized crunched Buell Blast corpses?