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Aragón MotoGP Results

Alex Rins (Suzuki) won his first MotoGP race of 2020 earlier today at the Aragón Circuit – he is the 8th different winner this year. Starting from the 4th row of the grid, Rins passed several riders in the first lap and eventually worked himself into the lead. Early leader Maverick Viñales  (Yamaha) faded to 4th position at the flag.

Finishing on the podium behind Rins were Alex Marquez (Honda), who also charged through the pack from the 4th row, and Joan Mir (Suzuki), who now takes over the championship points lead.

Fabio Quartararo (Yamaha) started from pole position, and ran near the front for several laps before fading all the way back to 18th position at the finish due to a problem with front tire pressure. He leaves the race in second place in the championship, 6 points behind Mir.

You can find full race results here. For additional details, visit the official MotoGP site.


  1. bmbktmracer says:

    I’ve been impressed with Alex Marquez all season. One of the few guys to finish every race. The Honda was a handful, so would love to know the behind-the-scenes story. Maybe between him and Bradl they’ve provided different feedback to the engineers to make a better bike. The thing looked really smooth…partly because of Alex, but he was also the fastest guy on track and barely had a twitch or wobble.

    • Pedro says:

      Nakagami is 5th in the standings. Respect to AM, but this guy is the consistent one.

    • paul says:

      was there not talk of alex marquez not being on repsol honda for 2021?
      if so, can repsol change their mind?

      • fred says:

        Alex & Taka will be on the LCR Hondas for 2021, apparently each with full factory support.

        Pol will be taking Alex’s seat at Repsol. As far as I can tell, everybody seems to be happy with the arrangement.

        • mickey says:

          Taka has been on fire this weekend, with the 2019 bike. Won’t tell you who is on pole but it’s the first time a rider of his nationality has been on pole in 16 years.

        • Paul says:

          I had read that taka was going to be riding a 2021 bike for next season with LCR but I never saw mention of of who his teammate was for 2021.
          I still wonder though if AM continues to do extraordinary well (better than pol) these last four races does he remain with repsol?
          Same goes for taka..
          I’d bet AM was happy enough to agree to step (down) from full factory to satellite at the time when he hadn’t yet gained confidence and hadn’t yet come to terms with the GP bike but it seems that’s all changed now.
          I know who is on pole but AM “quit while he was ahead“ so to speak during remaining qualifying and FPs in order to not to wreck his second bike. He has more speed for the race.
          I would not be surprised to see AM on the podium again.

        • mickey says:

          seems like Honda, Yamaha and Ducati will be having 4 man factory teams next year, just that 2 from each manufacturer will be riding under a satellite banner.

          Cmon Suzuki bring on a satellite team

    • Paul says:

      smooth indeed…got AM a second place podium in the rain and continues to serve him well. Seems AM is taking a page from J Lorenzo’s book instead of the “riding the ragged bloody edge“ book of his brother (not saying MM did not have to ride the Honda that way…I’m sure he did have to ride that bloody bike like a bat out of hell).
      I was thinking the same thing though…with the results of late that the Honda teams are now posting…something at Honda (the bikes)had to have changed and much for the better.
      I think MM is going to be coming back to an entirely improved bike for 2021 thanks to the current efforts of his brother and taka and the other HRC pilots. heck, even Cal is posting some noteable times.

  2. RonH says:

    I’ve always said if MM was out, there would be great racing.

    • bmbktmracer says:

      Maybe when he returns he’ll accept that a podium position is the goal. You don’t have to risk it all to win every race. This year the points leader is averaging less than 4th place. Eli Tomac and Jeffrey Herlings have had to learn similar lessons. Herlings is still out. Give it 100%, but don’t let your ambition — as Stoner said to Rossi — exceed your talent.

      • mickey says:

        For guys like MM, poles, wins and championships are the name of the game and they don’t like to settle for anything less. It’s always been like that with Champions. They BELIEVE they are better than everyone else, that no one deserves to beat them, they REFUSE to be beaten and will do whatever they have to to achieve that goal.

        Marquez, Rossi, Roberts, Doohan and most other champions, especially the multi time champions, are not afraid to trade paint, rub elbows, or worse in the name of getting to the top step every weekend. It’s in their DNA.

  3. Tom R says:

    So what is M.M. doing these days?

    • Beatrice Kiddo says:

      with everyone wearing masks, MM is riding #73 in disguise the past 2 races… hahah

    • Mick says:

      Odd isn’t it? Most broken bones would have healed twice by now. The last report that I can find was from Honda a month ago saying that he returned to the paddock and “After a brief but enjoyable visit, Marc Marquez returned home to Cervera to continue his recovery.”

      I wonder if he is having non-union problems. I have a bone in my ankle that has been broken for 19 years. If he can’t get a humerus to heal, he won’t be back.

      Personally, I feel that he is very unsportsmanlike and a hazard to other riders. Why he is seldom punished for what I feel are numerous infractions is beyond me.

      • joe b says:

        “most broken bones would have healed twice”, he doesnt have a broken bone. He tore ligaments in his shoulder. its obvious, you have absolutely no knowledge of anything, you are speaking about above. You feel a lot, but you know not much of anything.

        • Motoman says:

          I thought he had a broken humerus that required plating.

          • VLJ says:

            You are correct. He has a plated humerus. Not sure how joe B missed that one. I mean, man, did you see the scar running the length of his outer upper arm?


          • joe b says:

            he did break his humerus, but he continues to talk about his muscle, and I guess I was wrong in saying he doesnt have a broken bone, i was wrong saying that. what i meant, is if it was as simple as a broken bone, it would be an easy heal, easy comeback. There is more to it than just his humerus breaking, imho. So many other stories of riders injuries, years later, you find out, the real story was never let out. They did plate his humerus. he did have a broken bone, I was wrong saying he didnt have a broken bone. In my mind, i know there is more to this than, “its just a broken bone”, story. its not like when Lorenzo had his collarbone plated, and he was up front next weekend. I was wrong, you all win.

          • Motoman says:

            Maybe you had brain fade on the bone break joe b. But I think you are right if it was just a break he’d be back by now. Something else is causing the delay.

          • Dave says:

            I haven’t heard anything about he muscle/ ligament issue. I don’t know how he would’ve even attempted to ride a week later with that on top of his broken bone.

  4. fred says:

    This was one of the better races of the year. Only 1 DNF, though the oddball tire problem ruined Fabio’s championship lead. The top 4 all ran great races, though with varying results.
    No major predictions on my part, but with the leader only averaging 12 points per race, the championship is still open to anyone within 50 points if they could win the next 4 races. LOL

    Alex M may well have turned a corner, and may win a race this season.
    J Mir has been consistent, and may win a race.
    Jack M & Pol E are other possible new winners before the season ends.

    In my opinion, the logical championship winner will be either Mir on consistency, or Fabio on brilliance.
    In my fantasy world, Alex M would win next week, then Marc would come back and win the last three races, with either Mir or Quartararo taking the Championship.

    Even with Marc out, it’s been a good year watching the best of the rest compete.

  5. J Wilson says:

    MGP has accidentally stumbled on a fabulous circumstance:

    Remove the overdog winner of every race and leave the rest to compete on a newly leveled playing field. I have thoroughly enjoyed this season where I actually need to watch the races . . . . instead of just catching the results later to see how they finished from second or third back after Marquez owned first place all season.

    I think they’re on to something here . . . . .

    • Stuki Moi says:

      And next year, the fight will be for 3rd…

      After two of those Marquez guys laying claim to the top spots…….

  6. joe b says:

    I am a Suzuki fan and good for Rins. that he crashed in LeMans didnt tell the whole story, and the A Marquez, came from behind and almost win, I think was the real story. some here who posted at the previous race, from LeMans, Kini thought he could never be competitive in the dry. well… the other story is how so many just cant seem to get a hold of the new Michelin tires! With Rossi sidelined because of his Covid 19, I really had no clue as to who would win, and it looked like Yamaha had it in the bag early on. such a good race. Go Alex Marquez! it must be do difficult to ride a Moto GP bike these days, everybody seems to be struggling. Will Suzuki be the new bike at the front from now on?

    • Thad Stelly says:

      Yes, I think that Suzuki has proven to be consistently best with tire wear & at dealing with the colder temps… so yeah, new bike at the front at least for the season remainder.

  7. mickey says:

    Meeting in riders room:

    “Ok who hasn’t won a race this season? Another race coming up this weekend. Better get it done before MM get’s back which should be soon. are due, why don’t you win this weekend. Everyone hear that? It’s Joan’s turn”

    Great race by Team Suzuki, and holy cow how smooth did AM#73 look…and fast too. Has the kid found himself in the premier class?

    • Motoman says:

      “Has the kid found himself in the premier class?” Was thinking the same thing mickey. He seemed to do better in Moto2 when they went to the bigger motors and I was kinda surprised he hadn’t done better up until now. Guess we’ll see when they go to different tracks.

  8. Motoman says:

    Well that was an interesting race. We may have a world champ this year who doesn’t win a race. Something sounds wrong with that. And Marquez… where did that come from? Looks like a little confidence goes a long way. What a ride.

    • mickey says:

      Yea, even Hayden won 2 races in 06

      • Kermit says:

        Not the same series but Andrew Pitt won a World Supersport championship on a Kawasaki without winning a single race. Forget the year. This season reminds me of some past years where you get a rider who wins his one world championship and that’s it because the person dominating had injuries, retired, or for one reason or another couldn’t get it together for that particular season. One year only champions that come to mind are Wayne Gardner, Kevin Schwantz, Alex Crivelle, KR Jr, and Nickey Hayden. This is going to be one of the those years. Still believe it will be #04.

  9. Jeremy says:

    What an insane season. Great race, though. Good on A-Marq to work his way up to second and nip at Rins’s heels all the way to the finish line. I hope the guy is finding some form so that we can consistently see him fighting in the top eight or so. Mir leads the championship without having won a race yet. The former championship leader finished in 18th. And the Ducatis are nowhere.

    The only familiar thing about this season is that Vinales is fast all weekend but can’t put it together on Sunday.

    • Dave says:

      It seems like HRC has finally “fixed” the RC213. Before only MM could ride it. Now it seems to work pretty well for everyone. I doubted Alex Marquez but I’m becoming a believer.

      • Jeremy says:

        Alex had mentioned in an interview that they were setting the bike up “more like Marc.” Nakagami also said that Marc’s data engineers were working with him, and that he was using the data and their guidance to emulate Marc’s riding style.

        Simon Crafar, who never seems to miss even the smallest details, says the only real changes to the Honda are a new linkage and a new shock which may be a small step forward but nothing dramatic. Alex said in the post-race press conference that he wasn’t even sure if the team ran the new shock during the race or not.

        Maybe these young guys are just figuring out how to get more out of the package, in some ways on their own and in others by mimicking the master?

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