The first in a three-part series of videos created by RIDE Motorcycles debuts tomorrow, and we have the official trailer below. “The Year of Jubilee” represents an effort by industry sponsors KTM, Husquvarna, GASGAS, Troy Lee Designs and USMCA to inspire the next generation of motorcyclists as the world emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Many MD readers were undoubtedly inspired by the movie On Any Sunday that debuted in 1971 – 50 years ago. Did Malcolm Smith become your hero? Did you try to go to sleep at night, but scenes from the movie kept playing in your head? The answer to both questions is yes for editor Dirck Edge (a teenager at the time).
RIDE Motorcycles, after seeing a spike in motorcycle purchases during the early stages of the Covid-19 outbreak last year, wants to carry this momentum with some very cool videos. We will post a link to Part 1 of The Year of Jubilee tomorrow, but enjoy the official trailer today below.
Great article about Malcolm Smith in the AMA’s “American Motorcyclist” April 2021 issue.
I fricken hate travel. But I married a travel junkie.
For me the pandemic has been wonderful. I haven’t even been to an airport to pick someone up for a year.
I should set a condition that that precludes travel unless I meet Malcom Smith before he dies. Even if I just get the opportunity to change a set of his tires just to hand them off in person.
Never underestimate my wife. She’d have me tire irons in hand before May.
I married her. “He said something about run flats and a van”.
“I fricken hate travel.”
Shocking. I mean, seriously, knock me over with a feather.
Hard for me to believe it’s been 50 years. Got me thinking about all the fun I’ve had on 2 wheels since then and how grateful I am to still be enjoying it. And I agree with Grover. Yikes!
I had already been riding on the street for 6 years when OAS came out, but the next spring I started working in a Yamaha shop and saw the phenomenal growth in the industry that was partially created as a result. Seems every one in our rural community had to have a GT 80, or an AT, CT or RT enduro,or a Z50 or XL Honda from the shop down the street.
Incredible time to be in the motorcycle industry.
Yes! My dad got me on a dirtbike in 1972 at the age of 10. I got my kids on dirtbikes when they turned 6. I suspect when they begin having kids in the coming decade they will do the same. By then they will be electric bikes…but who cares. Time spent with family doing something exciting builds memories and character. That’s our job as parents.
I must be really old. I remember when OAS was released. Yikes!