Honda superstar Marc Marquez has finally been cleared by doctors to return to MotoGP racing. Marquez has missed 9 months of competition as a result of a broken right arm that, at least initially, failed to heal properly. The injury required three separate surgeries.
Here is a press release from Repsol Honda followed by a post Marquez made to his Instagram earlier today:
Repsol Honda PR:
In the review carried out on Marc Marquez by the Hospital Ruber Internacional medical team, four months after surgery, led by Doctors Samuel Antuña and Ignacio Roger de Oña, and made up of Doctors De Miguel, Ibarzabal and García Villanueva, for an infected pseudoarthrosis of the right humerus, a very satisfactory clinical condition was found, with evident progress in the bone consolidation process. In the current situation, Marquez can return to competition, assuming the reasonable risk implicit in his sporting activity.
Marquez Instagram Post:
I’M VERY HAPPY! Yesterday I visited the doctors and they gave me the green light to return to competition. They have been 9 difficult months, with moments of uncertainties and ups and downs, and now, finally, I will be able to enjoy my passion again! See you next week in Portimao!! #MM93
We all wondered how long Marc could ride on the edge and he finally got knocked off his bar stool. A year of reflection will deepen his race craft and approach to racing. I’m betting Marc will come out with velvet gloves, tip toe around the circuit and take it easy during FP. Qualifying will be a bit different as MM should get in the first 2 rows on the starting grid. The race will be very interesting, as I think Marc will try to “roll some smoke”. This is going to be good, real good.
Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t the first time he had been knocked off the stool. He was facing the possibility of permanent blindness from a crash during his Moto2 days if I’m not mistaken. You see how much he has held back since then.
You are correct. I recall he had double vision for a while after a “Tip off” (British announcer speak).
This is what I have been waiting for. This is going to be good, I can’t wait to see what happens. Everyone is racing again, cheers to a good race!
Personally I was hoping he’d be out for a few more races. It’s just so competitive now. If MM starts dominating again it’ll be boring to me. I’m glad for him though.
Considering Honda’s miserable lack of 2020 and 2021 manufacturer’s points without MM on the field, one might make a good case that Honda has too many eggs in their MM basket.
OTOH if MM returns to win several more championships then certainly that argument fails.
If “winning” MM fails to re-appear (not the one who’s hubris solely caused 3 surgeries) then at some point Honda must make a serious bid to hire a potential winner. MM’s little brother and Nakagami do not appear to be up to the task.
I’d never bet on such things but I expect bottom 1/4 in this race, w/potential for fast improvement, a podium this year. Were not the top 15 within 9S last race? That may be a tough row to hoe, but I suppose if anyone can do it MM can.
Unless he gets hurt again and misses a large portion of the season, #93 is a virtual lock to podium this year. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him podium this week in Portugal, at a track he’s never seen, and he’s going to win races in 2021. Unless the Yamahas find the type of consistency they’ve lacked these past few years, Marc would still be my pick to win the championship, despite missing the first two rounds.
If he’s out there every week, he’s going to be fast.
this isn’t just about marquez. how quickly can santi hernandez and the boys (nicky-speak) get that thing dialed BACK to where he can do what he does?
It is good to hear that Marc is fit and ready to race. It will be fun to see how quickly the Champ returns to form, and if any of the other riders have improved enough in his absence to make the series competitive. Hopefully it will be a good season of racing.
He won the championship in his rookie season and went on to dominate motogp. I think he will be at least on the podium and quickly back to winning races even though the competition is stronger than ever. Hope the arm is truly fit enough to race.
He will come back as the same MM with no change in riding style. If he changes anything he will not have the same results. So don’t expect to see a “new MM” on the track. After all, who would want that except his dear old mum?
I think…MM is going to emerge with a new focus and intelligence. He now knows there really is a Limit. And he knows a S–TLOAD of other stuff. I think we’re about to see something once-in-a-lifetime….
before 2020 his motivation was to win win win and he pushed the limits at all times (practice/qualifying/race).
he achieved great success and continued to do so because his motivation did not change.
he returns seemingly physically fit and seemingly mentally fit but not mentally the same.
i’d wager his motivation has changed. will the change be for better or worse ultimately?
saying all that…
achieving success after a return from a major injury happens and surely a healthy mm can do the same.
Interestingly, he is recently quoted as saying that race wins are not his priority, only championships are. From what we see on the screen that isn’t typically the case as he seems to do everything possible for every pass he can make. Had this really been true, he’d have ridden in for 3rd last year and gone on to win the 2020 title, instead of breaking himself.
Well to be fair, he was lapping faster than Vinales and if not for the accident would have easily passed him. Championships are won on points and every one counts. He beat Lorenzo in the 2015? WC by 4 points I believe. Every racer knows the importance of single points in a race and how accumulative they can make or break a championship chase. Otherwise they wouldn’t pass anybody they’d just ride around in a parade
Even though he crashed trying to get into second, when he could have settled for third, is in 99% of this crashes he would walk away unharmed and would have continued to contest the championship. The unexpected thing was his bike hitting him in the arm and breaking it. No way to anticipate it, to way to avoid it. It was just a freak thing.
His drive and desire to win is what has made him a multi time world champion.
Terrific post. The bike hitting him and breaking his arm was a freak accident. The other point often missed is that he crash after slowing down. All of his other passes were in full-on attack mode. With Vinales, he backed off just a hair and it bit him.
BTW, it was 2013 when he beat Lorenzo by 4 points.
Thanks fred, had a brain bubble and couldn’t remember the year lol
BTW the difference between 3rd and 2nd he was trying to get is..yep, 4 points. See how important that pass was?
I don’t expect Marc to win, but if he finishes the race it will be a great accomplishment and a good start to a comeback. I hope he is not expecting too much, but he is a driven person and I can’t imagine him not trying to do well. Anyhow, it will be good to see him on 2 wheels and racing again.
Nothing like evident progress in the bone consolidation process.
Succinct, unlike some comments….
#93 was cleared by doctors to race immediately following last year’s surgery. Miquel DuHamel was cleared to race the Daytona 200 despite a broken leg and the need for crutches in pit lane, as well as physical assistance from his crew to mount and dismount the bike. Jorge Lorenzo, Sachsenring, Spaghettios for a collar bone, same deal.
If you can find the Mobile Clinica tent on your own, or even with the help of an Uber ride, MotoGP doctors will clear you to race.
I think it was his surgeons that cleared him not Mobile Clinica. he still has to pass Dorna’s test but I don’t think that will be an issue for him.
He has already taken part in two private test days on the RCV street version and looked pretty good.
I second the Goose. Bring ‘er home, Marc.
Hoping that Marquez keeps it on two wheels and finishes the race. Race Win? We’ll see…
I wish him well and would love to see him finish on the podium in Portimao; what an amazing comeback story that would be. Although I was never much of a Marquez fan, mostly because of his dangerous passing maneuvers and icy personality, he’s paid his dues and certainly shown his devotion to the sport. There’s no denying that without him on the grid, there will always be questions about how everyone else would stack up. Godspeed.
Well said, Delmartin. I feel the same and hope MM will find his way back to the top.
Not that anyone needs these observations, but I’ll point them out anyway, along with my conclusion, which I’m sure no one will agree with.
– Marc Marquez is somewhere near the very top of the motorcycle racing pantheon based on time in class, number of wins, and number of championships, just from a statistical POV.
– He’s probably (Dirck?) broken more records than any other rider.
– He’s an enigma on that Honda, in than no one else on his factory or satellite teams seems to be able to ride the frame that suits him, to success.
He’s taken far, far greater risks (without consequence) than any of his contemporaries within a 20 year margin .
He’s had his first true major setback of his career.
He is still young, relative to his accomplishments and injuries.
He was just majorly injured.
He attempted a premature comeback and it was not successful.
The public doesn’t know the full extent of his injuries.
Other racers have modified the characteristics of his motorcycle.
He is returning on a compromised body.
He is returning with a compromised spirit.
He is returning with a compromised mind.
No one dominated the sport in his absence.
There is uncertainty in his mind.
There is uncertainty in the rest of the field.
He may have underlying nerve or other unknown damage based on the reality of his extended rehabilitation.
I believe, against some odds, and that I’m not (in truth) at all a fan of his, he will find a way to dominate again, quickly, and win at least more than two more championships.
Heh, most of your post is “oh what a DOOMER” but then the conclusion – yup – he is a Hero – we’re about to see amazing feats.