Moto Guzzi, long the retro stalwart, is moving forward with modern motorcycles and a new factory/museum. We see here the first official photos of the new Moto Guzzi V100 sport tourer. The first model will be called the “Mandello”. The Mandello will be officially presented at the EICMA show in Milan on November 23, 2021, and is a gorgeous machine in our opinion. It looks even better in the video below.
Here is the Moto Guzzi press release:

Mandello del Lario, 10 September 2021 – “Road to 2121: Moto Guzzi’s next 100 years”. Today saw the presentation in Mandello del Lario of the major preservation and restructuring project for the industrial site where, for exactly one century, every single motorcycle of the Eagle Brand has been produced.
Commissioned from world-famous US architect and designer Greg Lynn, the redevelopment will involve the entire site. Unique of its kind and in its style, this is a futuristic project: a location with open spaces for use by the public, a meeting place for the community, founded on culture, design and mechanics, with a strong green focus in line with contemporary trends.
Constant attention to environmental sustainability and efficient use of resources. The new buildings will make use of the existing structures, with materials chosen with close attention to efficient energy management, thanks to photovoltaic systems and eco-sustainable materials.
The site will be a focal point for Guzzi bikers and for young people and international tourists interested in the astonishing unique features of its motorcycles.
The extension of the factory’s production capacity, to match the constant growth in demand, will be part of a completely new approach to the layout of Mandello.
In addition to the new factory, the project will create new conference facilities to host both internal and external events, as well as a hotel and a restaurant for a complete range of amenities to welcome visitors from around the world.

Work will commence by the end of 2021, and will be completed in the first half of 2025.
The new Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello was displayed during the event, in an exclusive worldwide preview.The motorcycle’s stunning lines, cutting-edge engine and state-of-the-art technologies introduce the Moto Guzzi brand for the next one hundred years.
The official presentation of the new motorcycle will take place on 23 November 2021 at the EICMA international motorcycle show in Milan.
I’ve had my share of European, Asian, German and American bikes. My Guzzi’s even with their quirks always put a smile on my face and joy in my heart. It’s just me the road, effortless torque and the rythym of that twin! Even jaded magazine testers more often than not state riding a Guzzi puts a smile on their faces and remind them why they love motorcycling in the first place. As for tech, Guzzi was once the leader in technical innovation and hopefully they will be again one day. Hell, supercharge that watercooled twin while you’re at it!
ABS isn’t perfect for track bikes but on the street a rider rarely threhold brakes and anyone who claims to consistently do it on the street is kidding themselves or will not be upright for long.
I don’t care how talented you are as even Moto GP riders tuck their front ends trying to get the perfect lap or trying to outbrake to overtake! Now imagine that on the street where there is oil, water, sand not to mention curbs, trees, cars and trucks to hit when you do go down. Just as I wear my helmet and protective clothing I don’t ride 10/10ths on the street becasue no matter how good we are you always need a little in reserve for the unexpected. Oh and the new Guzzi looks great to me but everyone has different tastes. Didn’t Pontiac sell some Azteks?
Yeah, but you see that in all of motorsports, comparing data sheets for absolutes in horsepower, 0-60 and 1/4 mile times, or even top speed. Those are all interesting to compare, even boast about, but they don’t tell the whole story. For me it’s enough to have a responsive steed, complete with some niggles, that represents a ride with your good pal. A buddy that takes you on paths of adventure, answering your inputs with enthusiasm and bringing you back home after a day of exploration. Riding can be magical.
I’m 59 and still like to ride wheelies, do track days and surf. Yet I feel strangely drawn to this bike. Sort of like when I traded my M3 for a softer kinder level 2 self driving Volvo R-line. Those seats are money! This bike has charm and some really beautiful touches. I made a call to the dealer… Something about gold wheels and red paint…
I love it. Is it me or is there a hint of Motus about it?
I concur!
The wide and low torque curve of Guzzis fits the way I use a bike and I like the pulse like feel of a V twin. The liquid cooled engine should be a significant improvement. If the handling/power/comfort fits the mission…. Just make it sound good too.
Looks like a bmw r1100rs. I like it
not even close to BMW and way cooler in my opinion..the oldest Italian Heritage shouls count for something lol
Something went wrong on the way to the forum. Nice to see MG trying again, but these are oddly proportioned and have an 80s vibe – the bad one.
What sort of vibe would you prefer? Origami insectoid? Blob? Pretending to be a race bike? Lego bike?
I think it looks designed not by a committee but by a single person with a vision.
I’m stymied by all of the various “looks like” comments. If there is one thing I am in motorcycling, it’s being a student of its history. I’ve been avidly studying and loving it for over 45 years. There are single digits or slightly more of great designers in the history of motorcycling. There are about the same number of design paradigms over the same 120 years. Outside of some basic proportions and tank shapes, there aren’t a lot of ways to differentiate the base motorcycle. The now famous Guzzi layout could be traced through the 841 Indian, but then, the very interesting 1902 Ader Cardan effort from France chronologically trumps all.
With these constraints and historical notes considered. Moto Guzzi has long been a design leader. Even when they fell asleep in technological and reliability progress, they continued to make great looking, original bikes like the Griso. They currently have one of the most legendary designers in history working for them. Under his design or guidance (we don’t yet know) they have come up with a bike that is modern while being true to their history. To say they are copying Japanese bikes is just strange to me. Until the alien insect paradigm, the big four from Japan was without a popular style that was actually derived in Japan. Some niche efforts, like the original Katana, were the exception. I’d also give the 1990’s superbike styling to them, but based on the constraints of the awesome but very bulky frame design rather than actual styling leadership. The earlier UJM’s weren’t truly Japanese in styling.
Honda became a leader in the ratio of quality/reliability/performance compared to price. The other three makers from there followed and sometimes surpassed Honda. None of the four set the bar for original styling, though. Look at how many 1960’s through 1980’s bikes from there have tanks with Vincent, Norton, and Triumph lines. Some also borrowed from Ducati and Moto Guzzi efforts, and increasingly started doing so. Classical styling elements go back to a few makes and designers and Guzzi is one of the few of these makes that has remained in business. By being one of the oldest that focuses on design, they just aren’t derivative of anyone one else except that 119 year old French effort.
Been riding a 750 Guzzi all over Europe and the UK since 2004, and this is a bike I have been waiting for as a modern successor to my Breva 750 since about 2014… I like the restrained looks, especially in the red, and with a set of HB panniers and a centrestand that would be me completely satisfied. If I can afford the repayments. If I cant in a few years it will have to be a V7 850 set up for touring. Like the Breva is. Either are a significant HP boost on the 39hp Breva.
I think it means there is a decent future for Guzzi, and I look forwards to a Le Mans version in a few years…..
Ciao baby!!!!
My thoughts exactly. I just picked up a v11 Scura and put HBs on it. Handlebar weights took most of the vibration from the bars. Nice power, reasonable weight, big gas tank, no water pump or radiator or electronic nannies. Looking forward to wearing out some tires. This one would do in a pinch. I was even looking at the 1400 whopper to strip down and ride.
Cool bike!! Way to go Guzzi!!!!
Never liked Guzzis-always heavy underpowered lack of dealers
If this weighed 220kg dry with 22lt tank genuine 120HP 80LB torque they would have a winner
Sorry but riding a Guzzi is not about breaking the sound barrier. It’s about the experience of riding. Without going into the things all of us enjoy about riding its the little things we all love. For me it’s the throb of that engine and its physical uniqueness. Bravo to Guzzi for, again, creating a design that flows even when it is standing still. I’ll be one of the first in line to buy one when it’s available.
I like it. Moto Guzzi has put out some pretty attractive bikes over the years. I’ve been tempted at various times by the V11, the Griso, and the V7. Unfortunately, the emotional appeal always vaporized during the riding experience.
exactly the same for me Jeremy, and I’m betting this will be great on the freeway above 4000 rpms, but horrible around town under 4000 rpms, just like the Griso was for me.
OMGoodness ! I can’t believe it took me so long to identify why this bike is so beautiful. The engine is a bright metallic color reflecting light and crapping on shadows, just like the good ole days ! Yea Haw !
Screw black engines. They are all trying to hide something.
I see the sport, but where’s the touring? I like it, but I’d like to see some factory bags on it if it’s truly a sport-tourer.
Google “Suzuki VX800” and you’ll likely be surprised by the resemblance. To be fair, though, Guzzi did manage to twist the engine 45 degrees.
No Guzzi I ever owned/rode could compare with the VX800 in terms of overall polish. By that, I mean engine behaviour, transmission and suspension: all those things that matter after the initial rosey glow of owning a traditional Italian bike has faded. I’d love to be convinced that the V100 is a Guzzi that makes a break with the past, but I’m not in the market for another bike and weight is beginning to colour my choices as I age.
I hope the Mandello is a success though.
It’s Italian, but it looks like a UJM.
Glad to see Piaggio investing in the Oldest European motorcycle brand! Looking forward to seeing this bike with some Hard hard bags and learn the specs. The Styling so far is a beautiful kind of reminds me of the Yamaha TDM I believe that machine was penned in Europe for Europe only by Hennes Fischer. Bravo Moto Guzzi!!
The design reminds me of the Yamaha TDM900.
Thank goodness, a new motorcycle that DOESN’T look like an insect.
Ditto that!
Surprised no one else here commented on how much this bike resembles Yamaha’s old TDM 900. When I first saw this thing, the Yamaha immediately leapt to mind.
A cross between a TD 900 and a Motus
Grandparents were K75S and Morbidelli V8.
This! ^^^^ Agree 100%
That’s what sprang to my mind as well. First thing I googled when I saw the picture of this bike was the TDM so I could compare the pics.
Sometimes I wonder why Moto-Guzzi bother….How many do they sell outside of Italy?
It may be a bit on the hidden side. But they do have a pretty enthusiastic following in the US. Find a Guzzi guy and it probably isn’t his first or his or her only Guzzi.
I rode my first Guzzi and my first Harley on the same day in the early ninties. I thought the Guzzi was the better bike. Neither is really my forte. But, there you go.
huge in Europe..i think North Americans are getting their head around them..i used to sell them …they are a special buyer for sure..i owned one for 11 years and miss it…im getting the new V100 in green for sure…bye bye Triumph..a little bland in comparison !
I haven’t ever owned a Guzzi because they were slow and heavy (though some of them look pretty unique and cool). But this one could be a game-changer. A beautiful bike with reasonable specs and shaft drive? Count me in!
WOW. WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY MG! I like it. I loved the old Guzzi’s, but am stoked about this style. It is forward designing without the stupid “mad hornet” look. It is the naked that isn’t retro either. A very fine line has been successfully crossed. Well done.
Tell Triumph to copy this with the Speed Triple !
I like this an awful lot. I’ll take one without the active aero bits please.
A great looking Goose! Now if they have a nearby dealer, I could be persuaded.
Oh! I seem to have overlooked the all new engine. Euro 5 sure has caused a lot engine development.
Guzzi hasn’t made any power claims. Maybe they are wondering how much they want. I have seen opinions stating that this engine could make north of 110hp. That would be un-Guzzi-like in my opinion. I would bet that they will keep it around 90. Most of the bikes now days with over 100hp have traction control systems. So much so that not having them will soon lead to legal problems. I don’t think the Guzzi types would welcome a bunch of power if it came with some electro nanny system to mar the experience of using it. So give it a nice fat 90 and leave the nannies out of the lineup entirely.
Oddly, the closest dealer to my house sells Guzzi. There is a Yamaha dealer that is technically closer. But that dealer no longer exists in my universe. Fortunately, there is another Yamaha dealer about a quarter mile from the Guzzi shop that isn’t a stain on society.
All the dealers I have been to lately are severely social distancing their motorcycles, if they have any at all.
Guzzi has been putting traction control on the relatively slow V7 for years.
I’m going to go out on a limb and bet you’ve never ridden a bike with a traction control system on it.
Moto Guzzi, like HD have realized that they’re “type” is not going to be a big enough customer base to sustain them into the future. Change or die.
All Guzzi have anti lock brakes and electronic traction control, it’s been the case for several years.
Looks like someone’s High School sweetheart ran off and married a guy with a lite bike.
I was unaware that Guzzi was on board with rider aids.
I’ve not ridden a bike with TC. But the one I rode with ABS kind of annoyed me. I can’t imagine that TC would make me happy. I’ve been riding for over fifty years and I kind of like having full control of my motorcycle.
I’ve ridden a few. Unless one is riding the bike at the limit, get into an emergency situation or a lack of focus or judgment causes a riding mistake, it is unlikely that aids will be detectable.
Unless you are on a bike with a particularly unrefined system… Never knowing/never trying/so forth…
TC and ABS make you *more* in control of your motorcycle, not less. You’re getting old. Your reflexes and skills will diminish with age. These technologies are good things and like ew says below, you’d never notice them unless you’re riding beyond traction limits.
ABS does interfere with braking. On all my bikes (without it) I can control hard braking right up and into wheel slide. I think this is called “threshold braking”. You can actually brake really hard and when you feel it sliding a little you ease off and reapply, ease off and reapply. It is very linear and easy to control. The first time I rode a modern bike with ABS to these limits, the bike immediately felt I should only have 90% braking ability as the front lever went soft and removed all feedback. Needless to say, I overshot where I thought the bike was supposed to be and it added a bit of fear to hard braking. I understand the need for ABS when inexperienced riders grab a reactionary fistful in emergency braking and the bike resists the tendency in that instance to lay on its face. Traction control just takes the fun out of spinning the tire and steering with the throttle. Not quite sure of any benefit for that. Inexperienced riders shouldn’t be riding the types of bikes that require traction control.
Not sure what you rode, but ABS was terrible on some of the bikes when it first came out.lots of pulsing and longer braking distances than a good rider could achieve without it. Modern ABS systems tend to be extremely good by comparison.
An instructor once told me that most riders are two-year-olds. No matter how long they have been riding, their skills rarely develop beyond that of a rider who has been riding for two years simply because they don’t do drills to develop the muscle memory required for what would be considered advanced riding. That’s why traction control and ABS are generally good things.
I like modern ABS systems and think they work very well. They “threshold” brake as well as us mortals and will do it even while leaned over. However, you can still find some bikes even in 2021 still equipped with legacy ABS systems that aren’t so great.
The only traction control I’ve sampled are a KTM and BMW adventure bikes that have the “off-road” settings, and I wasn’t impressed at all with either bike. Both work better in the dirt with the electronics switched off.
My FJR and my NC 750X (I traded the FJR in on the NC), both have TC and ABS, and you can still brake very hard on either without the ABS kicking in. Trust me, as a daily rider I often get the opportunity to test my braking skills. You can also accelerate very hard without the TC kicking in. As a matter of fact neither has kicked in on mine on either motorcycle. Most riders don’t have the experience/skill to threshold brake especially in an emergency and end up skidding. A skidding motorcycle is an out of control motorcycle. The ABS simply prevents skidding. On an ideal surface in ideal conditions a good rider can often brake better than a rider relying on ABS. In a greasy intersection in the rain…my money is on the ABS equipped rider having a safer stop regardless of experience.
There have been numerous videos produced available on Youtube that show just that.
TC has saved a lot of broken collarbones in MotoGP. If professional riders see the benefit you should too.
I don’t typically slide the front, but I will sometimes “back it in” by locking up the rear wheel to initiate a turn. Some bikes now have an ABS mode that only operates on the front … allowing this behavior. TC is adjustable over 10+ levels, plus “off”, on many modern bikes, so you can choose as much “intervention” as you like.
Guzzi put traction control on their 40hp V7s. A 450 lbs, 40hp bike wouldn’t even need traction control in the snow, so they clearly see it as a “feature” their buyers expect.
I like everything but the exhaust header position they should have kept the forward facing pipe.
Stunningly beautiful!
Except there’s a radiator up front there now. I rather like the looks in most regards. But seeing in person will settle my thoughts as always. Some early articles are saying 120-130hp and that’s from 1000cc. That means this engine will have to spin tighter. Sounds lively!
Good looking bike. Hopefully they’ve kept the weight in check. I’m looking forward to a ride review.
I want to be a Mandellorian!
You win the internet today! This is a beautiful bike. Not sure that I could point out anything in particular, but it comes together as a complete bike.
Hopefully, the price, accessory, and reliability questions will have pleasant answers.
Wow. This is the first motorcycle I have seen in a long time that has totally homogeneous design elements, ( looks as though a one person design, instead of a gaggle of street folks in seperate rooms making a wage ). Love the ‘assumed’ cowl flaps, and good windscreen design. Sexy having the radiator heat exit between the transverse cylinders or cowl flaps. Next we need numbers and more than 2 dealers within 1/4 of the United States land area ( NW corner, upper left ). This could be a real open desert road mid – night runner.
Reggie, there is NOTHING “sexy” about a radiator or how it exits the heat. WTF?
It is the idea, not the execution. I too am an air cool guy, love lotsa fins, however the water allows better thermal efficiency. As for the radiator idea, think P-51 vs Spitfire boxes under the wings, for the same engine.
I like it a lot! Way to go, Guzzi!
Hey, give em a chance. Reliability, service, parts are questions to be answered but wow, this is a beautiful bike. If I like the way it rides and it performs as good as it looks, it might be my first Guzzi. Piaggio is dumping a lot of money into the company, I bought an early Caponord and it was a bullet proof bike. Skip the armchair criticism. Try it, we might like it.
Don’t think I want a water-cooled Guzzi. Prefer the simplicity of air-cooling. Pass
It’s Water-cooled? One thing I liked about Guzzis is air-cooling. I’ll pass on this one.
I will happily take the water cooling if it means an extra 50+ hp
Good looking Guzzi. I love looking at Guzzi’s (and BMW’s) I just dont care for them once I’ve ridden them. Too weird for me.
The faithful will love this one though.
Bet it sounds healthy.
Looks like it has all the right stuff. Good looking bike. Couldn’t care less about traditionally styled Guzzi’s. Looking forward to a real world review.
Guzzi and Enfield are two companies that I give free reign. Maybe this one is swing and a miss. But some of the Guzzi guys are going to like it, and there you go.
For me, Guzzi seems to trying to give people something that is both Pininfarina and Bertone at the same time.
All I can say to that is. Nope!
Looks like an 1988 BMW K75S.
Which is a good thing.
excellent inspiration but probably nowhere near as smooth and reliable.
This is a beautiful Goose!
Looks like Guzzi has finally submitted to liquid-cooling (Euro 5 emissions crap, no doubt) Looks to be a stunning sport-touring rig…just hope we get center stand and panniers…100 hp with 70 lbs ft torque would do for me assuming weight is well below 500 lbs and fuel tank capacity 5 U.S. gallons (or more)…I’m riding a 536 lb BMW R1250RS now and a fabulous mount it is but more power/weight than I need. Nice to see the long-forgotten Sport-Touring segment showing some signs of life again..
Water cooling is more likely the result of the realization that not enough people want to buy underpowered air cooled bikes anymore. This will make more power and get better mileage.
I suspect it has more to do with future planning for Euro regs, which will spell the end for large displacement, air-cooled engines. They make plenty underpowered bikes in both air and water cooled flavors.
Dropping the old world looks and stepping into modern, makes it look like most of the other bikes recently showcased. It all looks so blah, unless you’ve only looked at old Guzzi’s lately. Dozens of dozens of other bikes have the same seat tail, fairing, muffler, styling. Its like the copied the Honda CB500F but with the Guzzi engine. Reading all the “OMG so handsome, “so gorgous, “what I’ve been waiting for, “Beautiful, “love the looks, ? Unbelievable comments, when it look like they copied a dozen other bikes, making this, all with the same styling cues.
I had similar thoughts after looking over the images and reading the comments.
I prefer the traditionally styled MGs. I would purchase a MG, but dealers are nonexistent where I live.
Dealers? They have dealers?
I mean, all bikes look alike if you squint hard enough. And many bikes have similar “styling cues”, but most of them look horrible because the disparate styling cues don’t work together at all. Kawasaki is the worst at this, and the cheaper Hondas and Suzukis as well. The reason why the new Guzzi is beautiful is because all the shapes belong together. It looks like a bike designed by a single person with a vision, not by a committee tacking on disconnected “styling cues”. It has beautiful details AND those details all fit together into a coherent whole. This is pretty rare in moto and auto design these days.
Also, this bike looks absolutely nothing like the CB500F, I’m not sure where you got that?
Maybe he meant CX500?
Yep, to basically echo everyone else — love the looks, just hoping for more reliability, more power, and less weight.
Beautiful. Reminds me of a Aprilia Futura. Hopefully, it will have around 100hp at rear and 70lbs torque. Reliability is important also.
It does a bit, the futura had a bit more wind protection. I like it , it’s good to see the sport tourer come back
It’s seriously pretty. I’ll have to take a serious look at one after the 2nd or third year once the issues get sorted. ( you know they’ll be something ). I think the electric windscreen and wind deflectors are just waiting to have a failure
But does it come with the eagle free with purchase?
Yes! Now this is the bike I’ve been waiting for, vroom!
Wow! That is one gorgeous looking motorcycle. Guzzi is on fire these days! The V85 is a fantastic ADV as well. Sized for regular sized humans riding regular sized roads.
I suppose those tight, winding roads put a damper on the bloat everyone else seem to be pursuing.
Hope they can achieve acceptable reliability. Doesn’t even have to be anvil like Suzuki reliability. Just good enough to not be a constant source of frustration.
Very handsome bike, but I’m worried about it’s directional stability because twice it veered off the road into the ocean!
The bikes are being modernized, but the press dept still has a teletype.
Yes, very beautiful and tempting but so was the previous V11 series until reading all sorts of ownership tales.
I had a V11 LeMans, myself.
Actually, it was wonderfully-assembled out of apparently high-quality parts. It always started, and everything seemed to tick along just fine.
My issues were the ergonomics which weren’t fit for humans, the bizarre handling (extreme rearward weight bias), and its moderate slowness (it would struggle to outrun an SV650 in the straights, and had no hope in the turns). On top of that, it drank gas fairly voraciously for making about 80HP.
I replaced it with an SL1000 Falco. Better ergos, better handling, better fuel economy. But still hot and cramped.
Replaced that with a 2011 ZX-6R. Significantly faster than either, (shockingly) more ergonomically accommodating, and over 100 lbs. lighter than either as well. It didn’t measure up for styling, but between those three different sport motorcycles, the 6R is the only one I’d like to have back.