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Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews

Triumph Introduces Trident 660 Tribute Special Edition

When I was a kid, the father of one of my best friends bought a Honda CB450. This was the “Big Honda” at the time, and it made a claimed 43 horsepower. After being given a ride on the back, I was convinced this was the most powerful motorcycle in the world, and a thrill ride like no other! A few years later, Honda introduced the revolutionary CB750, and motorcycles haven’t stopped getting bigger, and faster ever since.

This makes me think about what riders really “need” for the street today. This new Triumph Trident 660 Tribute Special Edition costs just $8,595 and puts out a claimed 80 horsepower. It has selectable ride modes, ABS, traction control, etc. By all accounts Trident 660s handle well and the three-cylinder engine provides excellent performance and a great sound.

The flashy graphics pay homage to a Triumph known as “Slippery Sam” that won five consecutive Isle of Mann titles between 1971 and 1975. In our opinion, it looks pretty cool. You can find more information on Triumph’s website.


  1. Pat says:

    Nice bike. But I’m still waiting for a 660 Rally!

  2. rex says:

    Is Dirck okay? No new news for about 3 weeks

  3. Ed says:

    There’s no way a CB450 ever made 43 hp! LOL. On nitrous maybe.

    • Reginald Van Blunt says:

      Having owned both a CB and a CL450, the CL for over 30 years, yes at the crank one made 43 and the other 45 HP. Now the sad truth, for a younger time in the earlier 70s, was the CB would top out , flat on the tank, at 99mph.
      Nearly killed me that I could Never do the ton.
      Where did this comment subject come from Ed ?

  4. 79sr500 says:

    Perhaps he was thinking of the Isle of Dick Mann…

  5. JohnB says:

    the correct spelling is Isle of Man….not Isle of MANN

  6. Walter says:

    Triumph is really stretching things to connect this to Slippery Sam. It seems to just share 3 cylinders, a number and some paint splashes. But that’s probably enough for some folks when they’re bench racing lol

    Seems like a good enough bike though.

    For reference

    • Mick says:

      Um, yeah. You would think that they would have at least started with a Daytona given all the Tupperware.

  7. Motoman says:

    Me thinks these bikes are pretty cool and they are already popular Mick. But I could not believe how small they are when I sat on one. And I’m a pip squeak at 5″7″ and 140lbs soaking wet.

    • Reginald Van Blunt says:

      Great – another nice bike that is too small for a full scale adult.
      Triumph, are you listening ?
      A FLAT SEAT ALLOWS ANYBODY, TO FIND A FUNCTIONAL AND COMFY POSITION. There are more anybodies with cash out there, than flexible little peeps.
      More anybodies mean more sales ! Geez . Simple .

      • Motoman says:

        For sure the stumpy tail tightened the bike’s ergonomics a lot.

      • Dave says:

        There’s a whole line of Bonnevilles with flat seats for those who prefer the traditional look and functionality.

        I do agree with the sentiment though. While I prefer a stepped front/rear seat, I’ve never cared for the truncated rear subframe look and useless passenger accommodation.

        • Reginald Van Blunt says:

          Every stepped seat bike I’ve owned needed to have a kitchen knife, sanding block and large staple gun, used on it. Then it was swell.

    • Mick says:

      I must admit that I am Triumph ignorant. I have a brother who is a little taller and weighs 145. One of the things you can do is ride someone else’s bike. That’s occasionally interesting. But you can only ride a body like yours or Ted’s when you’re young if you end up growing up to be larger than normal.

      I suppose you never look at yourself in the mirror and think that you were lucky to have found the fountain of youth somewhere along the line. But from where I sit you certainly did. I’m team arthritis now from my size and all of my exploits. I deal with it. Be glad you don’t have to.

      I suppose every “blessing” comes with a curse. Or there would be none of either. That would make for some small libraries wouldn’t it?

  8. My2cents says:

    I guess I’ll cast the positive side of things and be the light. The price is reasonable, ponies add up to fun, triples are unique, and the styling and graphics have a Italian flare ( excluding the Union Jack). I can remember when a gull wing swing arm was reserved for most dedicated of sport bikes yet here it is in all its glory. I think Triumph may have found a sweet spot in a segment that lures a extremely wide range of positive minded individuals.

  9. Gary in NJ says:

    I know it’s just an appearance package…but the Trident could use it. The basic Trident looks a bit bland, this bike looks great.

  10. Stuki Moi says:

    This whole class of bikes are just very Goldilocks. 70-90hp; weight somewhere in what used to be the 600-750 sportbike range; physical size facilitating lane splitting and tight parking; great handlling and still relatively intuitive levels of tech. Being more of a multi-guy; I favor the Triumph over most of the rest; who are mostly P-twins.

    Biggest annoyance in my book, is the current fad for such short pillion accomodations, that throwovers no longer don’t easily fit. Even on my much more focused 636, pillion/throwover accomodation is better than on this one, the new Suzuki and many others.

  11. ORT says:

    It looks very nice! Some will bitch and moan that it is “too heavy” but these are usually the same people that are fat as pigs and could stand to lose a bunch of weight themselves. Or the ever poopular Mickism about the joy of the 2-Stroke and carbs (both the kind you eat and the kind that makes the bikes go). 😉

    Bikes have long been more powerful than is truly need outside the Matrix of most riders Ego.

    It is not my style of ride because I am older and have a physical handicap that would not allow me to fold up as need to ride this bike. But there are plenty of folks out there than can.



    • Mick says:

      Yeah yeah. I love you too Toad. Stay out of the hot sun buddy.

      This bike seems to have all the Triumphy goodness that the Triumph guys should enjoy, except maybe a full sized tail section. It will be interesting to see if it sells.

      • ORT says:

        Well said and taken with gratitude, Mick! I agree about the mudguard being less than useful in size.


    • todd says:

      Everyone has reasons to like or dislike something, you even gave some of your own reasons. Keep your inflammatory comments about other people’s opinions to yourself.

      • ORT says:

        todd, those without a sense of humor more often than not display a sense of entitlement.

        Didst thou not see the 😉 at the end of the witticism? Of course you didn’t. 🙂

        You caution against “inflammatory comments” and yet barf your churlish fuel upon mine as if to douse the flames with gasoline? Oh really? How typist of you!

        I think well of you but really now, “inflammatory”?! Pfffft! Make sport of my hared of tube wheels, I care not for it harms me not! Deride my desire for dual discs up front and I will not mind at all. I cannot use a rear brake because that leg does not bend nor work all that well. Hey! Make fun of that! I know I do as I realize that a sense of humor is far better than…Well, you know by now, don’tcha?

        My brother wants me to get a Harley Trike with the Rushmore upgrades to help me to continue to ride. If that is what it takes I shall continue to save for one and it will take some time and I will have to buy a used one. Go ahead, make fun a trike, it will not harm me and I will likely laugh if you have talent for fun in writing!

        Life is too short and already filled with wokeness. FTN. You can either come in from the rain or open your umbrella and enjoy the showers.

        ORT (Yes, I know some here know it’s me but I still sign off like this!)

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